The good news is in the air! And finally, you can take that much-awaited trip to Oz!
On Monday, it was announced that Australia will allow international travelers to enter the country once again, ending around two years of some of the world’s toughest border controls that were introduced to stem the spread of Covid-19. Travelers and visa holders that have been vaccinated at least twice will be allowed to enter the country from February 21, 2022. Australia’s borders have been almost entirely closed since after the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, with only citizens able to return.
“The condition is you must be double vaccinated to come to Australia,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told reporters in Canberra on Monday. “That’s the rule. Everyone is expected to abide by it.”
Unvaccinated travelers who have a medical reason for not being jabbed will still need to apply for a travel exemption and, if successful, will be required to quarantine at a hotel. Since the start of the pandemic, Australia has implemented strict measures to help fight the spread of Covid infections – even banning its own people from leaving the country last year.
Volunteering Solutions has some incredible Conservation Programs in Australia, which were open for Australian residents only for the last few months – but now we are glad that people from others countries can join in too. We are looking forward to more updates on the same – and hoping to start operating fully in the country.
Would you like to join us and volunteer in Australia? We’ll be glad to have you onboard and the programs in Australia are perfectly designed to provide the participants with an ethical, fun-filled, and thrilling experience where they can work for the ecosystem and help to create a better environment.
To get more information about traveling and volunteering in Australia, you can write to us at [email protected] – and our team will reach out to you!