¡Sé parte del Programa Especial de Voluntariado de 2 Semanas en Ghana y experimenta la belleza de la tierra como nunca antes! Este programa ha sido diseñado para aquellos que desean pasar un corto tiempo en Ghana, contribuyendo a una causa social significativa y explorando el escenario de vida silvestre que el país tiene reservado. Los voluntarios trabajarán en Tamale y sus alrededores, enseñarán en las escuelas locales y, ocasionalmente, participarán en trabajos de desarrollo comunitario.
También conocerás a algunos voluntarios increíbles de otras partes del mundo. Habrá un inmenso alcance de aprendizaje entre pares y juntos podrán marcar una gran diferencia en las vidas de los ghaneses. También será una oportunidad increíble para que conozcas más sobre su vida y su cultura.
Horario del programa
Duración: 2 semanas
Fechas: 1er y 3er lunes de cada mes
Llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional Kotoka (Accra) y tome el vuelo de conexión a Tamale
Días laborables: Lunes – Viernes – 5 días a la semana, 7-8 horas al día
Excursiones de fin de semana: Excursiones a las cataratas Kintampo, el santuario de monos y el parque nacional Mole incluidos
Ubicación del programa : Tamale, capital de la región norte de Ghana. El programa se basa en la ciudad de Tamale, en la región norte de Ghana. Tamale es la capital de la región norte de Ghana y tiene una población de 3.305.000 habitantes (2008). Está poblada principalmente por dagomba, que habla el idioma dagbani. Está situada en la parte norte del país, donde el terreno es una sabana formada por pastizales con árboles resistentes a la sequía. La ciudad es como un conglomerado de aldeas, donde muchas personas viven en casas tradicionales de adobe. Aunque la mayoría de las casas tienen techos de chapa ondulada, un buen número de ellas tienen techos de césped.
Detalles del programa
En la ciudad hay decenas de miles de niñas que han abandonado la escuela y algunos padres se han negado a enviar a sus hijas a la escuela. Los voluntarios participarán en un proyecto cuyo objetivo es preparar a las niñas desfavorecidas, como las descritas anteriormente, para que vayan a la escuela. El objetivo principal del proyecto es proporcionarles el apoyo educativo y la formación profesional necesarios para ayudarlas a convertirse en miembros ambiciosos e importantes de la fuerza laboral ghanesa.
El centro de aprendizaje cuenta con niñas de entre 7 y 18 años y alrededor de 40 a 50 estudiantes más jóvenes reciben clases básicas de inglés, matemáticas, estudios sociales y educación religiosa y moral. También hay un programa vocacional para enseñar técnicas básicas de costura a 10 estudiantes mayores y prepararlos para un aprendizaje en un taller de costura profesional en la ciudad.
Los voluntarios de este programa disfrutarán de una experiencia gratificante al ayudar a los profesores a impartir las clases. Durante las mañanas, trabajarán con grupos más pequeños de estudiantes para ayudarlos con sus habilidades de lectura, escritura y aritmética. Es posible que en algunas ocasiones se les pida que enseñen una de las clases, pero recibirán todo el apoyo si esto sucede.
Por las tardes tendrás la oportunidad de apoyar a los ex alumnos que ahora asisten a la escuela pública, ayudándolos con sus tareas y habilidades de lectura y escritura.
Este proyecto es muy popular entre los voluntarios porque les permite ser totalmente creativos en su estilo de enseñanza y en el uso de los materiales, y fomenta activamente nuevas ideas para la mejora y el desarrollo. Si participas en este programa, sin duda te enamorarás de los estudiantes y volverás a Ghana.
Programas Turísticos
Recorrido por la fauna salvaje del norte de Ghana: - Después del desayuno con la familia anfitriona, los voluntarios se dirigen a los pueblos de Boebeng y Fiema. Estos dos pueblos ayudan a proteger a los colobos blancos y negros y a los monos mona, que los lugareños consideran sagrados y que viven en los bosques circundantes. Recorremos el pueblo mientras interactuamos con los lugareños y aprendemos sobre su historia y tradiciones. Por la tarde visitamos las majestuosas cataratas de Kintampo y pasamos la noche en la ciudad de Kintampo.
Excursión de observación de la fauna: - Después del desayuno, nos dirigiremos desde Kintampo al Parque Nacional Mole, el parque de observación de animales más grande y mejor de Ghana. Por la tarde, realizaremos un safari a pie que nos permitirá ver de cerca a los elefantes africanos, el mamífero terrestre más grande del mundo. Por la noche, nos maravillaremos con la fauna desde la plataforma de observación que da a un pozo de agua concurrido y emocionante, mientras nos relajamos en el hotel.
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
Los voluntarios deben tener 17 años o más al momento de unirse al proyecto. Los participantes deben tener una mente abierta y una actitud flexible para trabajar en un entorno nuevo y diferente. Los voluntarios deben ser flexibles, de mente abierta y tener pasión por trabajar con niños. También debe ser proactivo y tener la capacidad de tomar la iniciativa. Todos los voluntarios deben proporcionar un informe limpio de verificación de antecedentes penales antes de unirse al programa. Se requerirá un formulario de consentimiento de los padres para los participantes menores de 18 años que se unan al programa.
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Recepción / Transferencia del aeropuerto
Nuestro representante en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Kotoka en Accra lo recibirá, desde donde lo trasladarán a la ubicación de su proyecto. Los voluntarios pasarán la noche en Accra en el alojamiento en un hotel provisto por Volunteering Solutions y viajarán a Tamale al día siguiente.
Los voluntarios se quedarán con una familia anfitriona ghanesa estándar. El alojamiento se proporciona en una habitación individual o compartida junto con otro voluntario. Al permanecer con una familia, experimentará la cultura, las costumbres y las tradiciones locales ghanesas.Orientación
La orientación de medio día será provista por su coordinador local. Áreas como cultura, seguridad, ubicaciones, transporte están cubiertas en la Orientación. Después de que termine su orientación, se le presentará su proyecto.Comidas
Los voluntarios reciben 2 comidas (desayuno y cena) en la casa de la familia anfitriona. La cocina de Ghana consiste principalmente en almidones, sopas, frijoles, carne y pescado. Los almidones consisten principalmente en arroz y bolas pastosas hechas de puré de mandioca, plátano o ñame.Dates
Filling Fast
Booked Out
Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
2 Weeks | $840 | |
Extra Week | $140 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
- Guía completa previa a la salida
- Asistencia del personal de apoyo y del coordinador del programa en el país
- Recogida en el aeropuerto de Tamale y traslado al alojamiento.
- Alojamiento previo al programa en Accra en un hotel/casa de huéspedes
- Orientación del programa
- Alojamiento
- 2 comidas al día durante el período de voluntariado
- Voluntariado en la Región de Tamale
- Viaje de fin de semana al Parque Nacional Mole y Kintampo Falls
¿Qué NO está incluido?
- Pasaje aéreo internacional/nacional
- Visa
- Transporte local hacia y desde la ubicación del programa
- Traslado de salida al aeropuerto (se puede organizar a un costo adicional)
- vacunas
- Cualquier otro gasto personal
- Paquete de recogida en Accra
Application and Program Details
When should I apply for the volunteer programs in Ghana?
As we have limited spots available in our programs and we serve on first come first basis, it is recommended that potential volunteers book their programs well in advance to get confirmed placements. You can book your slot by filling the application form online and pay the application fee.You can pay your program fee later and also, in installments, however, the complete payment should be made 45 days prior the start of the program. If you are volunteering in a group, you can also fill a group application form.
What are the Program Locations in Ghana?
Volunteering Solutions offers projects in the capital city of Accra as well as in Tamale in Northern Ghana. Tamale is the fourth largest city in Ghana and one of the the fastest growing cities in West Africa.The Beach Conservation Project is located in Axim, which is a six hour drive from Accra.
For how many hours will I volunteer every day?
Volunteers usually work for 5 to 6 hours a day for 5 days a week depending on their program needs. You will have the weekend off to explore in and around the city. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can change as well on certain occasions.
How long will it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted?
After you complete your application, your personalized ‘My Account’ will be active.You will need to upload your CV/Resume along with your photo in the same. Our backend team and the placement site takes around 10-12 days to review your application. After we review your CV and documents, your booking is confirmed and booking confirmation is updated in your ‘My Account’. Some projects need a mandatory criminal background check and the same is mentioned in the project info of your program. Approval of your application depends on your qualification and eligibility criteria for each project.
Does VolSol provides with a reference or a certificate after program completion?
Yes, we will provide you with the Certificate after successful completion of your program. The certificate is provided on request.
Are there any necessary requirements to participate in the Ghana volunteer programs?
Every program has certain and prerequisites that are required to be fulfulled by the volunteers. Please refer to the respective program page for the detailed requirements.
Does VolSol provides discount if I choose more than one program or if I am a returning volunteer?
If you are planning to come for multiple programs in your trip, you will have to pay the application fees just once. Your application fee is valid for a year's time (from the date of application). You will not have to pay the application fees again if you come within the mentioned time frame.
For our returning volunteers, $50 discount is provided for the application fee for their next Vol Sol program. -
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
We encourage our participants to volunteer in a group. We take special care in providing you a placement and also customize your itinerary to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. Also, we can design special group programs for groups of 5 or more. Our programs are designed to be safe, affordable and offer a great group volunteering experience to the volunteers.
In our experience of more than 6+ years we have enabled and facilitated volunteer program placements for student groups- college groups, university groups, high school groups, group of families, group of couples as well as groups of colleagues.
Ghana is one of our popular destination among student groups and is highly recommended for family volunteering as well.
Flights and Visa
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Ghana?
Kotoka International Airport in Accra has direct connections from North America and Europe. Delta Airlines, KLM Dutch Airlines, TAP Portugal, Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, British Airways are some of the major airlines that have direct connections to Ghana.
How do I reach Tamale from Accra? Do I need to book a flight to Tamale?
Tamale is well connected to Accra having daily flights between the two cities. You need to book your flight to Accra and the connecting flight thereon from Accra to Tamale. Please get in touch with your program manager for more details.
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All participants joining the programs in Ghana need to apply for Visa at the nearest Ghana Embassy. Along with the Visa application, you need to attach the required supporting documents. Volunteers are provided with all the necessary supporting document for their Ghana Visa application. More information shall be provided after you enroll yourself for our programs.
Accommodation and Living
When do I need to arrive in Ghana for my program? What will happen once I arrive in Ghana?
All volunteers need to arrive in Ghana on the mentioned start dates. Volunteers are picked up from the Kotoka International Airport in Accra (ACC) by the in-country coordinator or representative.
In Accra, the accommodations are provided in a guesthouse or a hotel for a night and on the next day, volunteers take a flight to Tamale. Those who are arriving overland or are already in Ghana will be picked up at a meeting point decided beforehand.
After taking the short flight from Accra, you will be picked up from Tamale airport and taken to your accommodation by our team. You will be given an orientation about the city, placement, safety guidelines and transportation by the in-country coordinator. Depending on your time of arrival, you will be given a tour of the town and nearby amenities on the same day or the next day when you start your project. -
How do I get to the program location?
Your country coordinator will take you to your placement and introduce you to everyone after giving you a basic orientation about the program/city/culture etc. You will be given the directions to the project from your accommodation and will also be briefed on the mode of transport.
Would I have free time during my program ? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Volunteers typically work for 5-6 hours in a day, for 5 days a week. However, depending on the workload every day, working hours can vary. Evenings are free for the volunteers and volunteers usually get together and go out for social gatherings, eat out or watch football games in Tamale stadium.
Weekends are free for the volunteers to explore the city. You can go for short weekend trips to Mole National Park, Monkey Sanctuary or Kintampo Falls.
We encourage our volunteers to travel. We have designed various weekend tours which can be booked under the Add-on Tours section in your ‘My Account’. You in-country coordinator will also help you book and organize the tours once you are in the country. -
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
We provide a wide variety of program options in Ghana and the accommodations vary depending on the program choice.
In Tamale, Volunteers will be staying at a standard Ghanaian volunteer homestay managed by the local program coordinator. In case space is not available in the volunteer home, you will be accommodated with a Ghanaian Host family. Accommodation is either provided in an individual or shared room along with other volunteer.
In Accra, volunteers are provided accommodation in the volunteer house with other volunteers or in a host family depending on the program choice.
In Axim, volunteers stay with other volunteers as well as local staff in the Volunteer & Staff Village! There are bungalows in the village, located by the side of the beach. You'll share a room with one to three other folks. The rooms are basic but you'll be provided with all necessities.
At all project locations, two meals a day are provided to the participants.
Are there more expenses once I arrive in Ghana?
Your program fee covers your accommodation, airport pick-up, orientation, pre-departure booklet and 24x7 in country staff support. You will need to cover your personal expenses, such as traveling, telephone, the internet, shopping, sightseeing, return airport drop, weekend tours etc. You should carry around $50 - $60 per week for your basic personal expenses, such as water, local transport, phone etc.
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes – please do ensure that you inform the local team about your food preference and they can help ensure you are able to order the best food! Also, please do mention your specific food preference in the application form as well.
Where can I change my money in Ghana? Are there ATMs in Ghana?
On arrival in Accra, you can change your currency to Ghanaian Cedis (GHS) at the airport. There are many currency exchange counters at the airport. Also, there are ATMs available throughout the city. Mostly Visa and MasterCard are only accepted in some parts of Ghana.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions Ghana alumni as well as other former and current volunteers?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page or Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/groups/volunteeringsolutions/">Facebook Group and connect with other participants and our team.
To read alumni interviews from past participants, visit ?thehttps://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer"> Meet a Volunteer section on our website.
Health and Safety
How safe is Ghana in general?
Ghana is a safe and stable country with relatively low crime levels compared to other West African countries. You’ll meet some of the friendliest people in Ghana and their culture is a fascinating blend of traditional and modern.
However, as in any country around the world, you need to take certain precautions for safety. You will be given safety precautions and instructions by your coordinator during the orientation. -
Do I need to buy a health insurance?
Yes, for all volunteers it is mandatory to have a travel medical insurance. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
We recommend you to consult your physician or travel doctor before traveling to Ghana. All travelers are required to carry an International Certificate of Vaccination (Yellow Card) to show proof of yellow fever immunization.
The recommended vaccinations for volunteers traveling to Ghana are as follows:
Yellow Fever
Hepatitis A and B