Het Sports Development Volunteering Program in Kaapstad heeft als doel om sporttraining en levensvaardigheden zoals teamwerk en uithoudingsvermogen te geven aan studenten en jongeren van scholen in de voorsteden en gemeenschapsgebieden. Het programma loopt in samenwerking met basisscholen, dus vrijwilligers worden geplaatst op lokale openbare/overheidsscholen.
Omdat lichamelijke opvoeding pas onlangs is geïntroduceerd in het schoolsysteem van Kaapstad, zal de meerderheid van de scholen geen apparatuur hebben om een sportontwikkelingsprogramma uit te voeren en daarom wordt van vrijwilligers gevraagd om flexibel te zijn en hun initiatief te gebruiken voor dit programma. Het doel van het project is om de kinderen en jongeren bezig te houden, wat hen zou helpen bij hun algehele ontwikkeling en hen bezig zou houden.
Privéscholen in Kaapstad hebben aanzienlijk geïnvesteerd in hoogwaardige programma's voor lichamelijke opvoeding en sport, en hebben deze effectief in evenwicht gebracht met sterke academische curricula, die consequent toppresterende studenten opleveren. Openbare overheidsscholen hebben daarentegen te maken met ernstige beperkingen in middelen en financiering. Hoewel ze het belang van sport erkennen, moeten ze vaak prioriteit geven aan academische zaken, waardoor er weinig tot geen budget overblijft voor leraren lichamelijke opvoeding, sportcoaches of de benodigde apparatuur.
Als gevolg hiervan zijn sportvrijwilligers zowel essentieel als zeer gewaardeerd door deze scholen. Sommige scholen schorten zelfs hun lessen lichamelijke opvoeding op als vrijwilligers niet beschikbaar zijn.
De structuur en faciliteiten op de scholen variëren afhankelijk van de locatie. Sommige projecten zijn erg goed gestructureerd, terwijl andere basisbronnen en infrastructuur missen.
Voorbeeld van plaatsingsprofiel - Belthorn Primary School
De school ligt in een lager middenklassegebied net buiten de grenzen van Kaapstad. De school heeft momenteel ongeveer 430 leerlingen voor de klassen R-7 (leeftijd 6-13 jaar). De basisschool ligt in de gemeenschap van Athlone.
Het huisvest kinderen van verschillende achtergronden, waaronder de omliggende informele nederzettingen (townships genoemd) zoals Gugulethu, Langa en Khayelitsha. Sommige leerlingen komen uit middenklassegezinnen en anderen uit zeer arme gezinnen. In eerste instantie moet u uw omgeving en de structuur van de school observeren en leren kennen. Dit is een voornamelijk Engelstalige basisschool, maar sommige leerlingen spreken Afrikaans of Xhosa.
Een typisch vrijwilligersschema in Kaapstad varieert op basis van de gekozen accommodatie. Volunteering Solutions biedt opties om te verblijven bij een lokaal gastgezin of in een vrijwilligershuis. Vrijwilligers kunnen kiezen tussen deze twee soorten accommodaties. Het vrijwilligersschema volgt over het algemeen deze structuur:
Zondag - Aankomst in Kaapstad (alle vrijwilligers verblijven de eerste dag in het vrijwilligershuis)
Maandag - Oriëntatie + transfer naar de accommodatie van het gastgezin, indien gekozen. De oriëntatiesessie wordt geleid door de lokale coördinator en behandelt onderwerpen zoals veiligheid, cultuur, taal, plaatsen om te bezoeken, gedrag, eten en andere suggesties voor dingen om te doen in Zuid-Afrika.
Dinsdag t/m vrijdag - Vrijwilligerswerk
Ontbijt - 06:30 - 07:30 uur (verstrekt bij de accommodatie)
Vertrek voor het project - 07:30 uur
Werktijden op de stageplaats - 08:00 uur tot 15:00 uur
Lunch - 12:30 uur tot 02:00 uur (vrijwilligers die in het vrijwilligershuis verblijven, moeten zelf voor de lunch zorgen)
Diner - vanaf 18:00 uur (bij gastgezin)
Vrijwilligers die in een vrijwilligershuis verblijven, eten uit eten in een nabijgelegen restaurant of koken samen met andere vrijwilligers in het huis.
Vanaf de tweede week wordt hetzelfde vrijwilligerswerkprogramma voortgezet.
Weekenden - Vrij om de stad te verkennen en activiteiten te ondernemen zoals het beklimmen van de Tafelberg, een bezoek aan Robbeneiland of deelnemen aan weekendtours.
Let op: Houd er rekening mee dat het schema kan variëren, afhankelijk van het specifieke project waaraan de vrijwilliger meewerkt.
Vrijwilligersrollen en -verantwoordelijkheden
Vrijwilligersrollen en -verantwoordelijkheden
Het vrijwilligersprogramma voor sportontwikkeling in Kaapstad is een ideaal vrijwilligersprogramma in Zuid-Afrika voor degenen die geïnteresseerd zijn in fysieke activiteiten en kinderen hierbij kunnen betrekken. De routinetaken van de vrijwilligers omvatten:
Wees een mentor voor de groep kinderen in verschillende sporten en buitenactiviteiten
Plannen, organiseren en uitvoeren van lessen lichamelijke opvoeding
Help docenten bij het geven van lezingen in de klas tijdens de uren buiten het veld
Kinderen begeleiden bij het fysiek fit houden en hen motiveren om een gezond leefpatroon aan te houden.
Assistentie verlenen aan sportcoaches (indien van toepassing)
Moet indien nodig mogelijk helpen in de klaslokalen
Help mee met fondsenwervende activiteiten en schoolsportevenementen
Moet indien nodig mogelijk helpen in de klas
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
Vrijwilligers moeten 18 jaar of ouder zijn op het moment dat ze zich bij het project aansluiten. Deelnemers moeten een open geest en flexibele houding hebben om in een nieuwe en andere omgeving te werken. De vrijwilliger moet energie en enthousiasme meebrengen om een verschil te maken. Alle vrijwilligers moeten een schoon strafbladrapport overleggen voordat ze zich bij het programma aansluiten. Deelnemers moeten een grote interesse en liefde hebben voor sport en lichamelijke opvoeding.
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Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
2 Weeks | $525 | |
3 Weeks | $700 | |
4 Weeks | $900 | |
5 Weeks | $1050 | |
6 Weeks | $1335 | |
7 Weeks | $1500 | |
8 Weeks | $1755 | |
Extra Week | $220 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
Waar betaalt u voor?
- 24 uur per dag assistentie en ondersteuning van personeel
- Uitgebreide informatie vóór vertrek
- Luchthaventransfer vanaf de internationale luchthaven van Kaapstad
- Oriëntatie
- Maaltijden (afhankelijk van het type accommodatie)
- Accommodatie in vrijwilligershuis of gastgezin
- Reis- en medische verzekering (beschikbaar tegen extra kosten)
Wat is NIET inbegrepen?
- Vliegticket
- Visumkosten
- Retourtransfer naar de luchthaven (kan tegen meerprijs worden geregeld)
- Dagelijks projecttransport
- Vaccinaties
Application and Program Details
Are there any necessary requirements to participate in the Cape Town, South Africa volunteer programs?
Below are the necessary requirements to participate in the Cape Town, South Africa volunteer projects:
Volunteers must be 18 years or older at the time of joining the project.
Volunteers joining the medical volunteer project must be either Pre-Medical, Medical or Nursing student or possess other qualifications related to medical and nursing field such as CNA or EMT. Medical professionals such as doctors and nurses are also welcome to join the program.
The participants need to have an open mind and flexible attitude for working in a new and different environment.
The volunteer should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
Clean Criminal Background Check Report for participants joining Childcare and Teaching Projects.
The participant must be in good health. -
When do I need to arrive in Cape Town for my program? What will happen once I arrive in Cape Town?
All volunteers need to arrive at Cape Town International Airport (CPT) on the program starting date i.e Sunday.
The assigned driver from a backpacker airport pickup service would be waiting for you with a signboard in the arrivals area and you would then be transferred to a hostel accommodation in the city. A brief orientation session takes place on Monday morning. -
For how many hours do I have to volunteer in a day?
Volunteers usually work for 4 to 6 hours a day depending on their program. You will have weekends off to travel. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can change as well on certain occasions.
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
Yes, you are welcome to take part in South Africa Volunteer Program as part of a group. We welcome families, friends, high school students, college/university and corporate groups to volunteer together in the volunteering programs. Volunteering Solutions has hosted large student groups as well as families coming to volunteer in the program. We have hosted groups from universities in the UK, the USA as well as other countries.
What are the Program Locations in Cape Town?
The projects are placed in and around Cape Town. The city is located with one of the most stunning backdrops of Table Mountain and offers beautiful beach locations and countryside. Cape Town is one of the most popular destinations in South Africa and is also very cosmopolitan with people of different religions, race, and beliefs living together in the city.
Volunteers in Cape Town work in the city as well as in many different community suburbs such as Grassy Park, Athlone, Philippi, Mitchells Plain, and Belville. Projects are located close to city center as well as in suburban areas and townships. -
When should I apply for the volunteer programs in Cape Town, South Africa?
It is advised to apply for the projects once the volunteering/ traveling dates are decided as there are limited spots available. We majorly follow the first come first serve policy. As soon as you decide the travel dates, we suggest you apply for the program and hold your spot.
I haven’t traveled or volunteered abroad before. Can I still be a part of VolSol?
Yes, most definitely you can as we believe every participant brings something new to the project. If you do not have previous experience, we offer you the opportunity to have a great start with us. We make international volunteering easy – not only are our Volunteer Abroad opportunities rooted in offering you extensive support, but they are also very affordable.
How long will it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted?
Usually, it takes around 10-12 working days for the application to be processed and placement to be confirmed. After we review your CV and documents, your booking is confirmed and the booking confirmation will be updated in your My Account and you can view the information in your account. The application acceptance depends on the availability of seats in the project as well as the eligibility criteria of the program (age, skills and experience etc.).
Does VolSol provides with a reference or a certificate after program completion?
Yes, we will provide you with the Certificate after successful completion of your program. The Certificate is provided on request.
Health and Safety
How safe is South Africa and Cape Town in particular?
Cape Town is a safe city and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. It has been rated as one of the best places to visit in the world by New York Times in 2014 and receives millions of tourists every year. As in any major metropolis around the world, you need to take general precautions for safety. You will be given safety precautions and instructions by the local coordinator team during the orientation as well as in your Pre-departure handbook after you become an enrolled participant.
Do I need to buy a health insurance?
Yes, for all participants, it is mandatory to have a valid travel medical insurance for their trip. Volunteers have the option to purchase Travel and Medical Insurance at a nominal extra cost from Volunteering Solutions. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
If you already have a valid Travel and Medical insurance, you can email us a copy of the same. It is also advised to bring along the Insurance documents during your trip. -
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
All participants are recommended to consult their physician or travel doctor before traveling to South Africa. To view the general list of vaccinations recommended for your travel to South Africa,https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/south-africa"> click here.
Accommodation and Living
Can I know more about the home-stay facilities?
While staying with a host family during volunteering in South Africa, you will live in one of the local communities of Cape Town. There you will experience life in a typical South African family, which will be a great cultural experience. You will be provided 3 meals a day, prepared by your host – Breakfast before your project, a packed lunch to take with you and a delicious home cooked meal for dinner.
What if I have my own accommodation? Can I still volunteer for the project?
Unfortunately the entire volunteering experience is as much about volunteering on your project, as it is about cross-cultural exchange and community building. A lot of that happens through the housing that we have set up by being with like-minded people. Additionally, for safety reasons all volunteers must live in the allotted accommodation.
Are there more expenses once I arrive in South Africa?
Your program fee does not cover your personal expenses. You will need to provide for yourself your personal expenses, such as bottled water, local transport, telephone, shopping, sightseeing etc. However, you should carry around $70-$80 per week for your basic personal expenses. This amount can vary and you would need a higher amount if you choose to go on weekend trips out of town.
How do I get to the program location?
Your program coordinator or a member of the local coordinating team will take you to your placement and introduce you to everyone after giving you a basic orientation about the program/city/culture etc. You will be told about the directions to the project from your accommodation and the mode of transport which you can use. Most preferred mode of transport within the town is the Public Bus, taxis. The coordinator will be happy to guide you regarding anything that you need to know.
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes, however, you must inform us in advance and also mention about any dietary requirement in your application form.
Where can I change my money in Cape Town? Are there ATMs in the city?
On arrival, you can change your foreign currency into South African Rands (ZAR) from the Cape Town International Airport. South Africa has a modern banking system and there is an abundance of ATMs and foreign exchange outlets in the city.
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
Volunteers in Cape Town are provided accommodation in a volunteer house/ hostel or in homestays in suburbs and communities. The volunteer house/ hostel is centrally located, close to the city center as well as to many cafes, restaurants, and delis. Living in the volunteer hostel is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded volunteers from around the world.
Volunteers staying at the hostel accommodation are provided with self-service breakfast at the hostel on weekdays (Monday – Friday).Supplies such as cereals,eggs,bread with various toppings, coffee/tea, selection of fruits are provided.Lunch, dinner and weekend meals are not included but can be eaten out at any of the affordable eateries or ordered to home as well. Volunteers can also purchase supplies locally and prepare meals in the house kitchen.
For those staying in a host family, you will be provided 3 meals a day, prepared by your host. Breakfast before your project, a packed lunch to take with you and a delicious home cooked meal for dinner.
Would I have free time during my program? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Depending on your project placement, you will get evenings and the weekends free, to travel and explore the places. In the evenings, volunteers usually get together and go out for social gatherings, eat out or just relax at the volunteer house. Weekends are free and you can go for short weekend trips.There is a lot to do in Cape Town and you will never experience a dull moment in the city. You can explore the city and go to different places such as Bo-Kaap, Robben Island, climb the Table Mountain or just relax at one of the beautiful beaches in the city. You can also take the Western Cape tour and explore the beautiful wine lands. Get in touch with the country coordinator and know more about the places you can travel to.
Flights and Visa
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All travelers traveling to South Africa should have a valid visa.The citizens from most of the European (including the UK & Ireland), African and South American countries as well as the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do NOT need to obtain a Visa beforehand and can stay in the country for a period up to 90 days. However, you must have a passport valid for at least 6 months period.
All participants joining the South Africa volunteer projects for more than 90 days, need to apply for volunteer visa at the nearest South African Embassy or Consulate. Along with the visa application, you need to attach the required supporting documents. Volunteers are provided with the necessary supporting document for their South African visa application. More detailed information shall be provided after you become a Volunteering Solutions’ enrolled participant. -
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Cape Town, South Africa?
Cape Town International Airport (CPT) is very well connected and has direct flight connections from European, Middle East, African and some Asian destinations.
South African Airways, KLM Dutch Airlines, Qatar Airways, Emirates, British Airways, Lufthansa, Kenya Airways, Condor Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Air France and Singapore Airlines are? some of the major airlines that have direct connections to Cape Town.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions South Africa alumni as well as other former and current volunteers?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions South Africa program participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page or Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/groups/VolunteeringSolutions/">Facebook Group to communicate with other participants.
To read alumni interviews from past participants, visit ?the Meet">https://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer">Meet a Volunteer page on our website.