Il tirocinio elettivo in odontoiatria in Perù è pensato su misura per studenti di odontoiatria che desiderano migliorare le proprie competenze pratiche lavorando a fianco di dentisti locali esperti. L'ambito del tuo coinvolgimento dipenderà dalla tua formazione accademica e dall'esperienza clinica, dall'assistenza alle procedure odontoiatriche e alla sterilizzazione degli strumenti a compiti più pratici se le tue qualifiche lo consentono.
Le responsabilità quotidiane variano, ma in genere gli stagisti lavorano 4-5 ore al giorno, lasciando le serate e i fine settimana liberi per viaggiare ed esplorare.
Nota: questo programma è ideale per gli studenti di odontoiatria che cercano un'esperienza pratica e concreta per integrare i propri studi prima di entrare nel campo professionale.
Cosa portare per il tuo programma elettivo di odontoiatria?
Ogni volontario dovrà portare con sé la seguente lista.
Kit di parodontologia (x2)
Kit di conservazione (x2)
50 aghi dentali (diverse misure)
01 camice medico bianco e camice (da indossare quotidianamente)
Scatola di guanti chirurgici (x2)
Salviette imbevute di alcol (x2)
Garza (x50)
Cotone medico (x4)
Resine composite dentali (otturazioni bianche)
Gli stagisti che partecipano a questo progetto devono portare i propri materiali per sviluppare cure odontoiatriche e profilassi (è obbligatorio).
Ruoli e responsabilità degli stagisti
Ruoli e responsabilità degli stagisti
Domenica - Arrivo a Cusco, Perù. Il coordinatore locale terrà una sessione di orientamento durante la quale i volontari saranno informati su argomenti quali sicurezza, cultura, lingua, luoghi da visitare, comportamento, cibo e altri suggerimenti su cosa fare in Perù.
Lunedì - al venerdì - Lavoro volontario
Gli stagisti devono arrivare alle 08:15 nei centri medici e rimanere fino alle 01:00Fine settimana: tempo libero per esplorare la città/partenza per Machu Picchu, Valle Sacra ecc.
Colazione - dalle 07:00 alle 08:00
Pranzo - dalle 13:00 alle 14:00
Cena - dalle 19:00 alle 20:00
Lo stesso programma di volontariato prosegue dalla seconda settimana in poi.Nota: si prega di notare che il programma potrebbe variare a seconda del progetto specifico a cui partecipa il volontario.
Nota: si prega di notare che il programma potrebbe variare a seconda del progetto specifico a cui partecipa il volontario.
Orario di lavoro per tirocinanti
Orario di lavoro per tirocinanti
Il tirocinio elettivo in odontoiatria in Perù offre una preziosa opportunità agli studenti di odontoiatria di lavorare a fianco di dentisti professionisti, acquisendo esperienza nel mondo reale. I tuoi compiti dipenderanno dalla tua competenza e dalle tue qualifiche accademiche.
- Gli studenti con esperienza clinica possono partecipare a procedure odontoiatriche, sterilizzazioni e svolgere attività più pratiche.
- Per coloro che non hanno esperienza clinica, il vostro ruolo principale sarà quello di osservatori e assistenti, supportando i dentisti nel loro lavoro quotidiano.
Inoltre, occasionalmente, gli stagisti visiteranno scuole pubbliche e asili per insegnare ai bambini l'importanza dell'igiene orale.
Gli stagisti lavorano solitamente dalle 4 alle 5 ore al giorno, con serate e fine settimana liberi per esplorare la vivace cultura e la storia del Perù.
Nota: questo programma è ideale per gli studenti di odontoiatria che desiderano migliorare le proprie competenze, con ruoli su misura in base al loro livello di esperienza clinica.
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
Gli stagisti devono avere almeno 18 anni al momento dell'adesione allo stage. Come stagista, dovresti avere una mente aperta e un atteggiamento flessibile per lavorare in un ambiente nuovo e diverso. Gli stagisti dentali devono fornire un rapporto di controllo dei precedenti penali pulito, CV, copia del passaporto, nonché altri documenti e credenziali relativi alle loro qualifiche prima di aderire al programma. Il programma è disponibile solo per gli studenti di odontoiatria che desiderano ottenere una preziosa esposizione facendo odontoiatria elettiva all'estero. Gli studenti devono avere un livello intermedio di spagnolo per partecipare al programma.
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Quando scegli di fare volontariato in Perù, fai le valigie e arriva a destinazione con la mente rilassata. Il nostro coordinatore dedicato presso la sede organizza per voi i trasferimenti aeroportuali, il soggiorno, i pasti e anche i tour del fine settimana. Tutto quello che devi fare è arrivare.
Trasferimento aeroportuale
I volontari vengono prelevati all'aeroporto di Cusco dal coordinatore o rappresentante locale. I volontari che arrivano via terra o sono già in Perù verranno prelevati in un punto di incontro stabilito in anticipo o alla stazione degli autobus.
Ai volontari viene fornito un alloggio presso famiglie ospitanti locali. Soggiornando presso una famiglia ospitante sperimenterai la cultura locale, i costumi e lo stile di vita peruviano. I volontari sono ospitati in camere condivise con altri volontari. Di solito ci sono 2 bagni in ogni famiglia ospitante con docce calde. Le sistemazioni sono pulite e confortevoli. Alcune case hanno anche la connessione WiFi e la TV via cavo.
Un orientamento di mezza giornata sarà fornito dallo staff locale.Durante l'orientamento vengono fornite aree come cultura, saluti, luoghi, trasporti, sicurezza e collocamenti di volontari. L'orientamento sarà dato dallo staff locale in Perù.
Ai volontari vengono forniti tre pasti cucinati al giorno (dal lunedì al sabato) presso la casa della famiglia ospitante. I pasti variano di giorno in giorno e generalmente includono zuppe, insalata di verdure, riso, patate, succhi, dessert ecc.
Durante il tuo tempo libero
I volontari sono liberi di visitare e vedere luoghi o fare shopping durante il loro tempo libero. Nei fine settimana la maggior parte dei volontari organizza un viaggio nella Valle Sacra o nel famoso "Macchu Picchu", la città perduta degli Incas. A Cusco, puoi passeggiare per Plaza de Armas ed esplorare i diversi ristoranti e le aree commerciali.
Filling Fast
Booked Out
Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
1 Week | $605 | |
2 Weeks | $755 | |
3 Weeks | $905 | |
4 Weeks | $1057 | |
5 Weeks | $1345 | |
6 Weeks | $1534 | |
7 Weeks | $1723 | |
8 Weeks | $1932 | |
Extra Week | $425 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
Per cosa stai pagando?
- H24 Assistenza e supporto da parte dello Staff VS
- Informazioni complete prima della partenza
- Prelievo dall'aeroporto dall'aeroporto di Cusco
- Orientamento
- Sistemazione in famiglia
- Pasti
- Assicurazione (fornita a un costo aggiuntivo)
Cosa NON è incluso?
- Biglietto aereo
- Tassa di estensione del visto e del visto
- Ritorno in aeroporto e tasse aeroportuali
- Trasporto locale
- Eventuali spese personali
Health and Safety
Do I need to buy a health insurance?
Yes, for all volunteers it is mandatory to have a travel medical insurance. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
How safe is Peru in general?
Peru attracts travelers from different parts of the world and is generally safe. However, we recommend all volunteers to take necessary precautions against thefts and robberies. Also, seek permission from your coordinator before venturing out alone in the evenings.
Volunteers can also look up resourceful sites like Lonely Planet to gather more information about Peru and its general atmosphere. You are also recommended to follow the safety guidelines provided by the in-country coordinator during Orientation Session.
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
We recommend you to consult your physician or travel doctor before traveling to Peru. However, we recommend you take general vaccinations like
Hepatitis A and B
Yellow Fever
Accommodation and Living
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
Volunteering Solutions arranges accommodation for volunteers in homestays or with host families in Peru. The accommodations are simple and have basic amenities.
Three meals are provided in a day of which the lunch is the specialty of Peruvian families. The food is tasty, hygienic and nutritious, suited to all volunteers. The volunteers should note that the food is provided from Monday to Saturday of each week. On Sundays, volunteers can eat at nearby eateries or find out good restaurants as per choice. -
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes – please do ensure that you inform the local team about your food preference and they can make sure to provide you with the best food! Also, please do mention your specific food preference in the application form as well.
Where can I change my money in Peru? Are there ATMs in Cusco and other Peruvian cities?
You can change your money at any bank or at the airport by showing your passport. There are ATMs located all around the city. The market areas around the project location also have ample ATMs and money exchange counters.
Would I have free time during my program ? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Depending on your project placement, you may get free evenings and weekends. You can utilize this time to visit local markets and other places around your project location.
Places like Barrio de San Blas, Hatton Rumiyuq, Convent and Church of La Merced and Cathedral of Peru have been declared as a World Heritage Sites by UNESCO and must be visited by volunteers during free time and weekends. Of course, we also arrange for tours to Macchu Picchu.
Volunteers are also free to plan quick getaways and explore Peru. We also arrange programs for groups in Tambopata Rainforest areas and the country coordinator can be contacted for the same. -
How do I get to the program location?
Your country coordinator will take you to your placement location and introduce you to everyone after giving you a basic orientation about the program, city, culture etc. You will also be narrated about the directions to the project location from your accommodation and the modes of transport which you can use.
Are there more expenses once I arrive in Peru?
Your program fee covers mostly all the major expenses when you arrive in Peru except your personal expenses. You will need to cover your personal expenses, such as bottled water, local transport, telephone, the internet, shopping, sightseeing etc. However, you should carry around $70-80 per week for your basic personal expenses. However, this amount can vary and you would need a higher amount if you go on different weekend trips out of town.
Application and Program Details
How many hours will I volunteer every day?
Volunteers usually work for 5 to 6 hours a day, for 5 days a week, depending on their program. You will have the weekends to explore Peru. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can alter any time.
Does VolSol provides discount if I choose more than one program or if I am a returning volunteer?
If you are planning to come for multiple programs during your trip, you will have to pay the application fees just once. Your application fee is valid for a year's time (from the date of applying). You will not have to pay the application fees again if you come within the mentioned time frame.
For our returning volunteers, $50 discount is provided for the application fee for their next Vol Sol program. -
How long does it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted?
After you complete your application, your personalized ‘My Account’ will be activated.You will need to upload your CV/Resume along with your photo in the same. Our backend team and the placement site takes around 10-12 working days to review your application. After we review your CV and documents, your booking will be confirmed and booking confirmation will be updated in your ‘My Account’. Some projects need a mandatory criminal background check and the same is mentioned in the project info of your program. Approval of your application depends on your qualification and eligibility criteria for each project.
Are there any particular requirements to join the programs in Peru?
The minimum age requirement for the programs in Peru is 17 years. For the Medical program, volunteers must be 18 years and above.
He/she should have the flexibility to adjust to a new environment and culture.
Volunteers should have a basic/ intermediate knowledge of Spanish Language.
For Medical Program – Pre-Medical , Medical and Nursing students as well as Medical Professionals are welcome to join. Participants with other qualifications in the medical field such as CAN, EMT can also join the program.
The participant should be in good health. -
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
We encourage our participants to volunteer in a group. We take special care for providing you a placement and also customize your itinerary to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. Also, we can design special group programs for groups of 5 or more. Our programs are designed to be safe, affordable and offer a great group volunteering experience to the volunteers.
In our experience of more than 12+ years we have enabled and facilitated volunteer program placements for college groups, university groups, high school groups, group of families, group of couples as well as groups of colleagues. -
When do I need to arrive in Peru for my program? What will happen once I arrive in the country?
All volunteers need to arrive in Cusco, Peru, for the Peru programs on the starting date of their project.
Volunteers are picked from the Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco by the in-country coordinator or representative. Accommodation is provided in a homestay or with the host family.
A short orientation is given after arrival about the city, placement, safety precautions. The volunteers are also taken for a short tour of the city before the commencement of the program. However, the tour is dependent upon the arrival time of your flight. -
Does VolSol provides with a reference or a certificate after program completion?
Yes, we will provide you with the Certificate after successful completion of your program. The certificate is provided on request.
How long does it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted?
As we have limited spots available in our programs and we follow the first come first serve rule, it is recommended that potential volunteers book their programs well in advance to get confirmed placements. You can book your slot by filling the application form online and pay the application fee of $225. You can pay your program fee later and also by installments. However, the complete payment should be made 45 days prior to the starting of the program. If you are volunteering in a group, you can also fill a group application form.
Flights and Visa
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Peru?
The Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ) in Cusco is well connected with all major airports across the globe and flights are easily available. American Airlines, US Airways, Delta Air Lines, Japan Airlines, Emirates Flights are some of the popular airlines.
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All participants joining the volunteer projects in Peru need to apply for Visa at the nearest Peruvian High Commission in their city. Along with the Visa application, you need to attach the required supporting documents. We provide volunteers with the necessary supporting documents for their Peruvian Visa application. More information shall be provided after you become a Volunteering Solutions enrolled participant.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions Peruvian alumni as well as other former and current volunteers?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page or Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/groups/volunteeringsolutions/">Facebook Group to connect with other participants and our team.
To read alumni interviews from past participants, visit the Meet">https://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer">Meet a Volunteer section on our website.