Rabat ospita diversi ospedali multidisciplinari, cliniche private e laboratori medici che offrono servizi sanitari completi. Queste strutture fungono da eccellente campo di formazione per coloro che sono interessati a tirocini in laboratorio medico. Tali opportunitĆ consentono ai partecipanti di seguire da vicino tecnici di laboratorio esperti, esplorando al contempo varie procedure biomediche cruciali per l'assistenza sanitaria della comunitĆ .
Gli stagisti assistono i professionisti medici in una vasta gamma di compiti, tra cui raccolta di campioni, trasporto, test, analisi e reporting. Possono anche acquisire esperienza in aree specialistiche come biochimica, citologia, ematologia, immunologia, patologia molecolare e flebotomia. Sebbene l'assistenza ai pazienti non sia gestita direttamente dagli stagisti, supportano attivamente i processi diagnostici, imparando come i test di laboratorio contribuiscono a identificare e gestire le malattie.
Questo tirocinio enfatizza l'adattabilitĆ , la comunicazione e la volontĆ di imparare. I supervisori prendono in considerazione il background e gli interessi di ogni tirocinante per personalizzare un'esperienza che favorisca lo sviluppo e l'esposizione. Il periodo iniziale del tirocinio ĆØ dedicato all'orientamento e alla comprensione dei flussi di lavoro, che aiutano i tirocinanti ad adattarsi all'ambiente medico locale.
La conoscenza della lingua francese o araba non ĆØ obbligatoria, ma puĆ² migliorare l'esperienza. Gli stagisti devono prepararsi alle sfide del lavoro in un sistema sanitario diverso, poichĆ© il Marocco si trova ad affrontare una carenza di professionisti medici. CiĆ² offre un'opportunitĆ inestimabile per comprendere l'assistenza sanitaria in un nuovo contesto culturale e sistemico, arricchendo sia la crescita professionale che quella personale.
Gli incarichi vengono determinati in base alle qualifiche, alla disponibilitĆ e alla durata del tirocinio, assicurando un percorso di apprendimento personalizzato. Gli stagisti hanno anche la possibilitĆ di integrare la loro esperienza con lezioni di lingua per integrarsi meglio nell'ambiente locale.
Profilo di posizionamento del campione - UniBio Lab
Unibio ĆØ un laboratorio medico situato a Rabat, in Marocco, che offre un'ampia gamma di servizi diagnostici e di analisi. Si trova al 3, Avenue Annaba, nel centro della cittĆ , rendendolo accessibile sia ai residenti che ai visitatori. Il laboratorio ĆØ operativo 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, compresi i fine settimana e i giorni festivi, e fornisce un team di emergenza disponibile fuori orario per esigenze urgenti.
Unibio ĆØ specializzata in una varietĆ di analisi mediche, tra cui biochimica, ematologia, immunologia, microbiologia e patologia molecolare, tra le altre. Ć una struttura affidabile per i pazienti che necessitano di servizi diagnostici avanzati e contribuisce all'assistenza sanitaria nella regione attraverso le sue attrezzature all'avanguardia e il suo personale professionale.
Orario di lavoro per tirocinanti
Orario di lavoro per tirocinanti
Il programma per i tirocinanti in medicina rimane il seguente:
Domenica - Arrivo a Rabat
LunedƬ - Orientamento + introduzione al tirocinio (tragitto + personale locale presso il tirocinio + posti dove mangiare, ecc.). Il coordinatore locale condurrĆ una sessione di orientamento, che coprirĆ argomenti quali sicurezza, cultura, lingua, luoghi da visitare, comportamento, cibo e altri suggerimenti su cosa fare in Marocco.
Da martedƬ a venerdƬ - Tirocinio
Colazione - dalle 08:00 in poi (fornita presso la struttura ricettiva)
Partenza per il tirocinio - ore 09:00
Orario di lavoro presso il tirocinio: 10-17
Pranzo - dalle 12:00 in poi (i volontari devono gestire il pranzo autonomamente)
Cena - dalle 20:00 in poi (fornita presso la struttura ricettiva)
Gli stagisti lavoreranno dalle 10:00 alle 17:00, dal lunedƬ al venerdƬ a partire dalla settimana successiva.
Fine settimana - Liberi di esplorare la cittĆ e di fare attivitĆ come viaggiare con gli altri stagisti e volontari a Fez, Marrakech, Chefchouan Marrakech o Merzouga nel deserto ed esplorare i siti patrimonio dell'umanitĆ di Rabat come la Torre di Hassan, la Kasbah Oudaya, Chellah, la spiaggia, i Souk all'interno della Medina e molto altro ancora.
Nota: si prega di notare che il programma puĆ² variare solo a seconda del progetto specifico a cui partecipa il tirocinante e del progetto specifico a cui partecipa il volontario.
Ruoli e responsabilitĆ degli stagisti
Ruoli e responsabilitĆ degli stagisti
In qualitĆ di tirocinante in laboratorio medico, i ruoli e le responsabilitĆ principali sarebbero:
Aiuto con i test di routine
Aiuto con la raccolta del sangue e lo screening dei pazienti
Assistere i tecnici di laboratorio nella diagnosi di problemi di salute
Assistere il personale locale nella rendicontazione e nella documentazione
Lavorare a fianco dei professionisti locali per acquisire conoscenze ed esperienze di lavoro in un laboratorio diagnostico
I laboratori diagnostici hanno vari processi e reparti e, come tirocinante, potrai sperimentare il lavoro e trascorrere del tempo in vari reparti.
Ć importante sottolineare che il tirocinio in laboratorio medico ĆØ un tirocinio basato esclusivamente sull'osservazione e agli studenti non sono sempre consentiti compiti o trattamenti pratici.
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
Il tirocinio in laboratorio medico ĆØ perfetto per chi studia o ĆØ in possesso di qualifiche in scienze di laboratorio clinico, ematologia, chimica, biologia, microbiologia e campi correlati. Ć disponibile per studenti a livello di pre-qualificazione e post-laurea, nonchĆ© per neolaureati in discipline pertinenti. La durata minima del tirocinio ĆØ di 4 settimane.
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Trasferimento aeroportuale
Gli stagisti vengono prelevati dall'aeroporto (a Rabat) o dal terminal degli autobus/stazione ferroviaria di Rabat e trasferiti alle loro sistemazioni in famiglia. Per i volontari che arrivano a Casablanca, ĆØ possibile prendere il treno dall'aeroporto direttamente alla stazione ferroviaria di Rabat Ville.
Gli stagisti a Rabat vivono insieme in una casa per stagisti/volontari, che ĆØ un tradizionale Riad marocchino. Si noti che non c'ĆØ aria condizionata o ventilatore nell'alloggio del riad. Tuttavia, l'architettura del Riad marocchino ĆØ generalmente progettata con un clima tropicale. Spesse mura e un cortile centrale aperto aiutano con la ventilazione e il raffreddamento. Il Riad si trova nella zona della Medina e tutti i progetti di volontariato e i siti turistici si trovano nelle immediate vicinanze.
Gli stagisti spesso condividono una camera da letto con un massimo di 3-4 altri partecipanti, dello stesso sesso, a seconda del numero di partecipanti al programma durante il periodo di tempo specificato. I partecipanti condividono aree comuni e sono benvenuti a usare il cortile per pause e pasti. La connessione WiFi ĆØ disponibile presso l'alloggio. I bagni sono condivisi e l'alloggio ha un sistema di servizi igienici in stile occidentale.
Durante i periodi di bassa stagione o per limiti di disponibilitĆ , gli stagisti vengono ospitati anche in una guest house, che ha standard simili e offre lo stesso livello di comfort. La guest house si trova anch'essa nella zona di Medina e dista 3-5 minuti a piedi dalla casa dei volontari/stagisti. La guest house ha un buon WiFi e ha anche bagni in stile occidentale.
A tutti gli stagisti verrĆ fornito un orientamento e un briefing all'arrivo. La sessione sarĆ condotta dal coordinatore locale e coprirĆ argomenti importanti sul tuo programma, i tuoi ruoli e responsabilitĆ , le cose da fare, le linee guida sulla sicurezza, i trasporti, i luoghi da visitare, la cultura e le tradizioni e le cose di base da fare e da non fare. Ti verrĆ anche mostrata l'area dell'alloggio, l'ufficio di orientamento e dove acquistare beni di prima necessitĆ .
In questo progetto saranno forniti 2 pasti marocchini (colazione e cena). I pasti tipici della cena includono couscous, carne, pane, zuppa, insalata, olive ecc. La colazione di solito comprende tĆØ, caffĆØ, pane, yogurt e cereali, mentre la cena include un piatto tradizionale marocchino. Gli stagisti devono acquistare il proprio pranzo. Ci sono molti ristoranti nella zona della Medina o vicino al tuo progetto. Mangiare fuori non ĆØ molto costoso e ci sono molte opzioni tra cui scegliere.
Nel tuo tempo libero
Durante i giorni feriali, gli stagisti solitamente amano girovagare per la zona della Medina, dove si trova il Riad. Vi troverete nel cuore della zona del quartiere vecchio di Rabat, caratterizzata da vicoli tortuosi e mercati tradizionali. Potete visitare la moschea Le Tour Hassan o esplorare anche la zona della Kasbah Les Oudaias a Rabat. Nei fine settimana, i volontari si dirigono piĆ¹ lontano, in luoghi come Fez, Marrakesh o la zona desertica.

Filling Fast
Booked Out
Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
4 Weeks | $1900 | |
5 Weeks | $2260 | |
6 Weeks | $2620 | |
7 Weeks | $2980 | |
8 Weeks | $3340 | |
Extra Week | $360 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
Per cosa stai pagando?
- H24 Assistenza e supporto da parte dello Staff VS
- Informazioni complete prima della partenza
- Prelievo dall'aeroporto internazionale di Rabat o dalla stazione ferroviaria di Rabat Ville e trasferimento all'alloggio
- Orientamento all'arrivo
- Alloggio
- Pasti
Cosa NON ĆØ incluso?
- Biglietto aereo
- Tassa di estensione del visto e del visto
- Tasse aeroportuali
- Trasporto locale
- Eventuali spese personali
Application and Program Details
When should I apply for the volunteer programs in Rabat, Morocco?
It is advised to apply for the projects once the volunteering/ traveling dates are decided as there are limited spots available. The application fee is valid for one full year and can be sent earlier than the desired year of volunteering for timely confirmation of the seat. As soon as you decide the travel dates, we suggest you apply for the program and hold your spot. We generally follow the first come first serve rule.
I havenāt traveled or volunteered abroad before. Can I still be a part of VolSol?
Yes, most definitely you can, as we believe every participant brings something new to the project. If you do not have previous experience, we offer you the opportunity to have a great start with us. We make international volunteering easy ā not only are our Volunteer Abroad opportunities rooted in offering you extensive support, but they are also very affordable.
How long will it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted?
Usually, it takes around 10-12 working days for the application to be processed and placement to be confirmed. After we review your CV and documents your booking is confirmed and the booking confirmation is updated in your My Account and you can view the information in your account. The application acceptance depends on the availability of seats in the project as well as the eligibility criteria of the program (age, skills and experience etc.).
What are the Program Locations in Morocco?
Our programs are located in Rabat, which is the capital of Morocco and also its third largest city. The city offers a great mix of modern and traditional cultures. The Medina is the old city area and most of our projects are located there, along with sister city of Sale. Medina has still managed to keep its old traditions, customs, and cultures intact. The moment you step into Medina, you would feel you are closer to Moroccan culture. Most houses in the Medina area maintain the old world charm. Most of our host families are also located in the Medina area and this would give you a great chance to understand what Moroccan culture has to offer.
For how many hours will I volunteer every day?
Depending on the project, volunteers will work during the week from Monday- Friday for 5-6 hrs every day. You will have the weekends free, so you can travel on weekends. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can change as well on certain occasions.
Are there any necessary requirements to participate in the Morocco Volunteer Programs?
Below are the necessary requirements to participate in the Rabat, Morocco volunteer projects:
Volunteers must be 18 years or older at the time of joining the project.
Need to have an open mind and flexible attitude for working in a new and different environment. Morocco is a country of different culture and traditions, though it is modernized, the cultural sensitivities need to be kept in mind before volunteering in Morocco.
The volunteers should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
Volunteers need to have Clean Criminal Background Check Report for the childcare projects.
Knowledge of Arabic / French for the Women Empowerment and NGO Support projects.
Participants must be in good health. -
When do I need to arrive in Rabat for my program? What will happen once I arrive in Rabat?
All volunteers need to arrive at RabatāSalĆ© Airport (Airport Code: RBA) on the program start date i.e Sunday.
If you are unable to find flights on the scheduled for the arrival dates, please get in touch with Volunteering Solutions team and we would be happy to provide you the pickup and accommodation from a different date depending on your flight schedule. You will need to pay extra charges for the accommodation depending on the number of days you arrive before the program start date.
A brief orientation would be conducted on the same or the next day where you will also be shown the area around the accommodations, the nearest ATM, market, and will be given safety guidelines as well as information about your project. -
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
Yes, you are welcome to take part in Morocco Volunteer Program as part of a group. We welcome families, friends, high school students, college/university and corporate groups to volunteer together in the programs. Volunteering Solutions Morocco Program has hosted student groups as well as families coming to volunteer in the programs.
Flights and Visa
Do I need a Visa to go to Morocco?
Citizens of countries such as UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan and majority of the EU countries do not need a visa to enter Morocco. On arrival, you can get a 90-day tourist stamp on your passport. Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months.
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Rabat, Morocco?
RabatāSalĆ© Airport (RBT) has direct flight connections from European and Middle Eastern destinations. Ryan Air, Royal Air Maroc, Air France and Iberia are some of the major airlines flying into Rabat.
You can also arrive at Casablanca Airport as it has more international flight connections. From Casablanca, you can travel to Rabat by train.
Will I be picked up from Casablanca Airport if I take a flight till there?
Volunteers can also arrive at Casablanca International Airport, which is a much bigger airport than Rabat and is better connected to international destinations.
From Casablanca, you can arrive in Rabat by a convenient one hour train ride. Volunteers will be received at the Rabat Ville Station by the local coordinator or representative and will be transferred to the volunteer accommodation.
The train ride from Casablanca to Rabat Ville is for 1:30 hrs.
You can click">http://www.oncf.ma/Pages/ResultatsHoraire.aspx?depart=AEROPORT%20Med%20ā¦ here for more information about the trains. -
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All enrolled participants are provided information on the appropriate visa requirements for Morocco in the Pre-departure manual. You can also contact your Pre-departure point of contact to know more about the visa requirements.
Health and Safety
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
All participants are recommended to consult their physician or travel doctor before traveling to Morocco. To view the general list of vaccinations recommended for your travel to Morocco, click">https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/morocco">click here.
Do I need to buy health insurance?
Yes, for all participants, it is mandatory to have a valid travel medical insurance for their trip. Volunteers have the option to purchase Travel and Medical Insurance at a nominal extra cost from Volunteering Solutions. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
If you already have a valid Travel and Medical insurance, you can email us a copy of the same. It is also advised to bring along the Insurance documents during your trip. -
How safe is Rabat and Morocco in general?
Volunteers are given safety precautions and instructions by the local coordinator during the orientation as well as in a Pre-departure handbook after one has enrolled for the project. Rabat is a safe city, but like in any new country, we always advise participants to be careful while venturing out.
Accommodation and Living
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes, that is not a problem at all. But please do let us know about your dietary requirement beforehand.
Are there more expenses once I arrive in Morocco?
Your program fee does not cover your personal expenses. You will need to provide for yourself your personal expenses, such as bottled water, local transport, telephone, shopping, sightseeing etc. However, you should carry around $70-$80 per week for your basic personal expenses. This amount can vary and you would need a higher amount if you choose to go on weekend trips out of town.
How do I get to the program location?
Your program coordinator in Rabat will take you to your placement and introduce you to everyone after giving you a basic orientation about the program/city/culture etc. You will be told about the directions to the project from your accommodation and the mode of transport which you can use. Most preferred mode of transport within the town is the Public Bus or Taxi, the coordinator will be happy to guide you regarding that.
Would I have free time during my program? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Depending on your project placement, you may get evenings and weekends free to travel and explore the place. Weekends are free for the volunteers and you can go for a short weekend trip. There is a lot to see in Morocco and you can head out to Casablanca, Fez or Marrakesh.
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
Volunteers in Rabat stay together in a volunteer house which is a traditional Moroccan riad. Note that there is no air conditioning or fan in the riad accommodation. However, Moroccan riad architecture is generally designed with a tropical climate. Thick walls and an open central courtyard help with ventilation and cooling. The Riad is located in the Medina area and all the volunteer projects and tourist sites are located within close proximity.
Volunteers often share a bedroom with up to 3-4 other participants, of the same gender depending on the number of participants in the program during the given period of time. Participants share common areas, and are welcome to use the courtyard for breaks and meals. Wifi is provided at the accommodation. The bathrooms are shared and the accommodation has a western style toilet system.
During off peak times or due to availability constraints volunteers are also accommodated in a guest house, which is also similar standard and provides the same level of comfort. The guest house is also located in the Medina area and is a 3-5 min walk to the volunteer house. The guest house has good wifi and also has western style toilets.
2 Moroccan meals (Breakfast and dinner) will be provided in this project. Typical dinner meals include Couscous, Meat, Bread, Soup, Salad, Olives etc. Breakfast usually comprises of Tea, Coffee, Bread, Yoghurt and Cereals whereas dinner includes a traditional Moroccan dish.Volunteers need to purchase their own lunch. There are plenty of restaurants in the Medina area or near your project. Eating out is not very expensive and there are plenty of options for you to choose from. -
What if I do not speak the local language? Would that interfere with my volunteering experience?
Do not worry, all the coordinators can speak and converse in English. Most of our participants are non-Arabic/ French speakers and theyāve never had any problems while communicating. Like we say, Love is expressed better through actions than the language. However, if you can learn some French/Arabic before coming it would be an added advantage for you.
What if I have my own accommodation. Can I still volunteer for the project?
Unfortunately, the entire volunteering experience is as much about volunteering on your project, as it is about the cross-cultural exchange and community building. A lot of that happens through the accommodation that we have set up, where one can enjoy by being with like-minded people. Additionally, for safety reasons, all volunteers must live in the allotted accommodation.
Where can I change my money in Rabat? Are there ATMs in the city?
On arrival in Rabat, you can change your foreign currency to get Moroccan dirhams. Rabat Airport has a foreign exchange service and you can change your money there. ATMs are also available in the city.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions alumni as well as other former and current volunteers ?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page or Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/groups/VolunteeringSolutions/">Facebook Group to communicate with other participants.
To read alumni interviews from past participants, visit the āMeet">https://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer">Meet a Volunteerā section on our website.