I volontari dello Slum Education Project lavorano in un progetto non-profit di base che si dedica a migliorare la vita di coloro che vivono negli slum di Jaipur, Rajasthan. Ć interamente finanziato dai volontari ed ĆØ totalmente gratuito per tutti i beneficiari. La loro missione ĆØ quella di dare potere alle persone che vivono in queste aree offrendo istruzione, emancipazione femminile, consapevolezza della salute ambientale. Riconosciamo i significativi ostacoli sociali ed educativi che i giovani, la comunitĆ e le donne di Jaipur, in India, affrontano ogni giorno e ci impegniamo ad adattare la nostra organizzazione per soddisfare e sostenere le esigenze della comunitĆ .
La visione del progetto ĆØ quella di creare un impatto positivo sulla vita delle persone che vivono nelle baraccopoli, fornendo loro accesso a risorse essenziali e a un'istruzione alternativa di qualitĆ , perchĆ© gli abitanti delle baraccopoli credono che i loro figli siano una risorsa fisica che puĆ² aiutarli a guadagnare denaro svolgendo lo stesso lavoro (lavoro minorile) e preferiscono che i loro figli non studino a scuola.
I programmi si basano su quattro pilastri fondamentali:
1. Programmi di istruzione per bambini: crediamo che l'istruzione sia uno strumento potente per il cambiamento sociale e i nostri programmi garantiscono che i bambini svantaggiati di Jaipur abbiano accesso all'istruzione di base e al curriculum: inglese (lettere, numeri, vocabolario di base), matematica, computer. Ć possibile che una sessione complessiva di 2 ore venga svolta da volontari.
2. Programmi di Girl Empowerment: diamo potere alle donne e alle ragazze attraverso la formazione e l'advocacy. I nostri programmi aiutano le ragazze a diventare piĆ¹ sicure di sĆ© e a farsi valere. Ć possibile organizzare sessioni di un'ora al giorno.
3. Programmi di educazione sanitaria: forniamo sessioni di sensibilizzazione sulla salute a famiglie e comunitĆ a basso reddito in tutta Jaipur, concentrandoci sulla prevenzione sanitaria, sulle opportunitĆ di cure mediche di base e sull'educazione all'igiene.
4. Progetti ambientali: ci impegniamo a promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile e abbiamo intrapreso vari progetti ambientali come l'imboschimento, la gestione dei rifiuti e il ripristino delle strade per mitigare l'impatto ambientale e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile. I volontari possono fornire istruzione ambientale ai nostri studenti e dimostrare loro l'importanza della gestione dei rifiuti attraverso varie attivitĆ .
Attraverso questi programmi, il progetto ĆØ in grado di avere un impatto diretto sulle comunitĆ piĆ¹ vulnerabili di Jaipur.
Orario di lavoro volontario
Orario di lavoro volontario
I volontari del programma lavorano dal lunedƬ al venerdƬ.
Orario di lavoro tipico: dalle 9:00 alle 12:00 durante l'ora legale indiana e sessioni regolari dalle 14:00 alle 17:00
Ore totali di volontariato: 25-35 ore a settimana
Ruoli e responsabilitĆ dei volontari
Ruoli e responsabilitĆ dei volontari
I volontari del progetto educativo nelle baraccopoli sono coinvolti in una serie di compiti che possono essere i seguenti:
Pianificare sessioni educative per bambini per le materie di inglese, matematica, informatica, educazione sportiva
Fornire le sessioni quotidianamente a 2-3 piccoli gruppi di studenti
Fornire compiti o incarichi affinchƩ gli studenti possano esercitarsi a casa
Ricercare e pianificare attivitĆ e giochi per i bambini per mantenere vivo l'interesse per le materie insegnate
Condividere conoscenze generali con i beneficiari per ampliare i loro orizzonti
Pianificare laboratori di danza, arte, artigianato, sport e altri per i bambini
Project Requirement
Project Requirement
I volontari devono avere 18 anni o piĆ¹ al momento dell'adesione al progetto. Devi avere una mente aperta e un atteggiamento flessibile per lavorare in un ambiente nuovo e diverso. Il volontario deve portare energia ed entusiasmo per fare la differenza. I partecipanti devono essere in forma e in salute al momento dell'adesione al programma. Se c'ĆØ una condizione medica, allora il team locale deve essere informato in anticipo per garantire la corrispondenza di un progetto corretto o di un tipo di sistemazione. I partecipanti non devono avere condanne penali e devono fornire un rapporto di controllo dei precedenti penali pulito. Ć richiesto un livello intermedio di lingua inglese.
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Quando scegli di fare volontariato a Jaipur, ci assicuriamo che il tuo viaggio altruistico sia comodo e divertente. Come volontario VolSol, non dovrai preoccuparti del trasferimento all'aeroporto, del tuo alloggio o del tuo cibo e soggiorno.
Trasferimento aeroportuale
I volontari vengono prelevati dall'aeroporto internazionale di Jaipur da un membro del team di coordinamento locale a Jaipur. I partecipanti giĆ nel paese possono anche essere prelevati dalla stazione ferroviaria di Jaipur o dall'aeroporto internazionale di Jaipur. Questo deve essere comunicato in anticipo. Organizziamo anche la tua consegna all'aeroporto quando il progetto ĆØ completato.
Durante il volontariato a Jaipur puoi scegliere tra soggiornare in una delle nostre basi di volontariato a nord di Jaipur o presso una famiglia ospitante. Gli alloggi sono ordinati e puliti e offrono ai volontari un'esperienza di casa lontano da casa.
La nostra casa ĆØ dotata di internet wifi, acqua potabile filtrata, geyser, refrigeratori d'aria, lavatrice, servizi igienici occidentali e letti a castello. La casa ĆØ vicina a servizi utili come banche, bancomat, cambiavalute, ristoranti, caffetterie e centri commerciali.
Le famiglie ospitanti sono famiglie indiane locali accoglienti pronte ad accoglierti nella loro casa. Le camere sono a doppia condivisione e gli host hanno wifi, frigorifero, refrigeratore, geyser, lavatrice e acqua purificata comuni.
Tutti i posizionamenti sono a circa 20-30 minuti dalle case e aiutiamo i volontari a utilizzare applicazioni di trasporto locale come Uber.
Un orientamento di mezza giornata sarĆ fornito dal nostro staff il giorno successivo al tuo arrivo. Copriamo aree come cultura, saluti, luoghi, trasporti ecc.
Il cibo indiano ĆØ famoso in tutto il mondo per i suoi diversi sapori, colori e aromi. Durante la permanenza presso la casa dei volontari, ti verrĆ fornita la colazione self-service e il pranzo e la cena cucinati al momento, abbiamo cuochi che lavorano con noi dalle loro case e preparano i pasti per i volontari e li consegnano al nostro alloggio. Un campione dei pasti che puoi aspettarti ĆØ menzionato di seguito.
Colazione self-service: pane, tĆØ (chai), marmellata, burro, porridge, poha, uova, ecc.
Pranzo e cena - Dal (lenticchie), verdure, riso, roti (pane indiano), yogurt possono essere forniti insieme a una sorta di curry.
I volontari che soggiornano in casa avranno una colazione indiana piĆ¹ tradizionale come Poha, Paratha, Poori-sabji, toast, ecc. Mentre il pranzo e la cena sono lo stesso cibo vegetariano tradizionale.
Durante il tuo tempo libero
Durante il tempo libero i volontari possono visitare i mercati locali, visitare gli internet cafĆØ ei diversi ristoranti di Jaipur e provare le diverse cucine indiane. Durante i fine settimana i volontari visitano Agra, Pushkar, Delhi e Himachal Pradesh. Il nostro Travel Desk specializzato puĆ² aiutarti a prenotare tour in qualsiasi parte dell'India o nei paesi vicini come il Nepal o lo Sri Lanka.
Filling Fast
Booked Out
Duration |
Program Fee
Choose your currency
2 Weeks | $545 | |
3 Weeks | $675 | |
4 Weeks | $810 | |
5 Weeks | $935 | |
6 Weeks | $1075 | |
7 Weeks | $1195 | |
8 Weeks | $1325 | |
Extra Week | $170 |
Please Note: An application fee of is charged over and above the program fee as an application payment. A 5% international banking fee is charged for credit card payments of program fee in USD/AUD.
Per cosa stai pagando?
- H24 Assistenza e supporto da parte del personale
- Informazioni complete prima della partenza
- Trasferimento dall'aeroporto a Jaipur
- Orientamento
- Cibo (3 volte al giorno)
- Alloggio
- Assicurazione medica e di viaggio (disponibile a un costo aggiuntivo)
Cosa NON ĆØ incluso?
- Biglietto aereo
- SIM locale
- Trasporto locale
- Commissioni per i visti
- Vaccinazioni
- Spese personali
Application and Program Details
How long will it take to process my application? Will my application be accepted ?
Usually, it takes around 10-12 working days for the application to be processed and placement to be confirmed. After we review your CV and documents, your booking is confirmed and the booking confirmation is updated in your My Account and you can view the information in your account. The application acceptance depends on the availability of seats in the project as well as the eligibility criteria of the program (age, skills and experience etc.).
When do I need to arrive in Delhi for my program? What will happen once I arrive in Delhi?
All volunteers need to arrive in Delhi on the starting day of the program i.e Sunday. Participants are picked up from the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi by the local coordinator or representative and are transferred to the volunteer accommodation.Orientation would be conducted the next day where you will also be shown the area around the accommodations, the nearest ATM, market, and will be given safety guidelines as well as information about your project.
Are there any necessary requirements to participate in the Delhi volunteer programs?
Below are the necessary requirements to participate in the India volunteer projects:
Volunteers must be 17 years or older at the time of joining the project. Medical Program volunteers must be at least 18 at the time of joining.
16-year-old volunteers can participate in Childcare projects with a Letter of Consent from their parents.
Volunteers need to have an open mind and flexible attitude for working in a new and different environment.
Participants must be in good health.
India is a country of different cultures and traditions, though it is modernized, the cultural sensitivities need to be kept in mind before volunteering in India. The volunteers should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference. -
For how many hours will I volunteer every day?
Depending on the project, elected volunteers will work during the week from Monday- Friday. You will have the weekend off so you can travel on weekends. However, volunteers need to be flexible, open minded and understand that work requirements can change as well on certain occasions.
Can I volunteer as part of a group?
Yes, you are welcome to take part in any of the India Volunteer Programs as part of a group. We welcome families, friends, high school students, college/university and corporate groups to volunteer together in the Indian programs.
Volunteering Solutions India program has hosted large student groups as well as families coming to volunteer in the program. We have hosted groups from universities in UK, Europe, and USA as well as other countries, in Delhi. -
What if I do not speak the local language? Would that interfere with my volunteering experience?
Do not worry, all the coordinators can speak and converse in English. Most of our participants are non-Hindi speakers and theyāve never had any problems while communicating. Like we say, love is expressed better through actions than the language.
To add to the project experience, you can also join the Language and Orientation Week in Delhi before beginning the program. It's an optional week, besides that we recommend participants to brush up their Hindi skills (learn basic terms and phrases, greetings) before traveling. -
When should I apply for the volunteer programs in Delhi?
Delhi is one of the most popular volunteering destinations, and it is advised to apply for the projects once the volunteering/ traveling dates are decided as there are limited spots available. The application fee is valid for one full year and can be sent earlier than the desired year of volunteering for timely confirmation of the seat. As soon as you decide the travel dates, we suggest you to apply for the program and hold your spot. Every program has limited spots available.
I havenāt traveled or volunteered abroad before. Can I still be a part of VolSol?
Yes, most definitely you can as we believe every participant brings something new to the project. If you do not have previous experience, we offer you the opportunity to have a great start with us. We make international volunteering easy ā not only are our Volunteer Abroad opportunities rooted in offering you extensive support, but they are also very affordable.
Flights and Visa
What are the recommended airlines to fly to Delhi?
The Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi is connected with all major airports across the globe and flights are easily available. Some of the major flight carriers operating direct flights to Delhi are:
British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Air India, Jet Airways, Etihad Airways, United Airlines, Swiss Air, KLM Dutch Airlines, Lufthansa, Austrian, Air France, Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Qatar Airways and Finn Air. -
Does Volunteering Solutions help with Visa?
All enrolled participants are provided information about the appropriate Visa requirements for India in the pre-departure manual. You can also contact your pre-departure point of contact to know more about the Visa requirements.
Accommodation and Living
Can I know more about accommodation and food arrangements?
Volunteers are provided accommodation in a volunteer house or in a homestay (on request) accommodation managed by the local coordinating team. Two meals a day (Breakfast and Dinner) are provided to the volunteers from Monday - Saturday.
On Sunday, volunteers eat out and explore the different gastronomical delights that Delhi has to offer. Accommodation is shared amongst volunteers on the āsame gender sharingā basis rooms. Air conditioning facility is provided during the night in the volunteer home accommodations. Wifi internet is also available for volunteersā convenience. Some volunteers are also provided accommodation in the project premises itself. For example - volunteers working in orphanage project can be provided accommodation in the project premises itself in a separate room that is allotted for volunteers. All meals will be provided to the volunteers in that case. -
Where can I change my money in Delhi? Are there ATMs in Delhi?
On arrival at the IGI airport, you can change your foreign currency to Indian Rupees (INR) at the money exchange counters. India has a modern banking system and all the major credit and debit cards are accepted without any problems. ATMs are available in plenty and you will be shown the nearest ATM from the accommodation as well.
Can vegetarians be accommodated?
Yes, that is not a problem at all. In fact, volunteers are served vegetarian meals at the accommodations in India.
Would I have free time during my program? Can I do sightseeing during my program?
Volunteers work from Monday - Friday and have their weekends free for sightseeing. You can utilize this time to visit local markets of Old Delhi, Janpath or simply visit the Central Park (Garden) and Connaught Place. During the weekend, you have the option to take a short trip to Jaipur and Agra, and the Golden Triangle tour. Strategic placement of Delhi also allows you to take quick weekend trips to Palampur in Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh as well as Amritsar, Punjab. There is a lot to do and explore, and the local Delhi office team would happily assist you in making travel plans and arrangements for short trips.
How do I get to the program location?
Your project coordinator will take you to your project placement and introduce you to everyone after giving you a basic orientation about the program/city/culture etc.
You will be told about the directions to the project from your accommodation as well as the best and the most affordable mode of transport you can use. Volunteers use a variety of modes of transport to commute to different locations in Delhi. Major modes of transport are Delhi Metro and auto rickshaw (tuk-tuk?). -
Are there more expenses once I arrive in Delhi?
Your program fee does not cover your personal expenses. You will need to provide for yourself your personal expenses, such as bottled water, local transport, telephone, shopping, sightseeing etc. However, you should carry around $50-60 per week for your basic personal expenses. This amount can vary and you would need a higher amount if you go on different weekend trips out of town.
Health and Safety
How safe is India and Delhi in particular?
India is a country of diverse cultures and practices. and Delhi being the capital city is home to varied ethnicities. Like in any new foreign country, participants are advised to follow the guidelines specified by the project coordinator to enjoy their Indian experience fully. The program coordinators are always ready to help and give helpful safety tips. During the first day of the orientation, you will be given safety guidelines and will be informed about the dos and dont's.
Do I need to buy health insurance?
Yes, for all participants, it is mandatory to have a valid travel medical insurance for their trip. Volunteers have the option to purchase Travel and Medical Insurance at a nominal extra cost from Volunteering Solutions. To provide the best option to our participants, we offer comprehensive insurance coverage in collaboration with a leading insurance provider.
If you already have a valid Travel and Medical insurance, you can email us a copy of the same. It is also advised to bring along the Insurance documents during your trip.
What immunizations/vaccinations will I need?
All participants are recommended to consult their physician or travel doctor before traveling to India. To view the general list of vaccinations recommended for your travel to India, click">https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/india">click here.
Connect with Past Volunteers
How can I connect with past Volunteering Solutions Delhi alumni as well as other former and current volunteers?
We encourage volunteers to get in touch with former Volunteering Solutions participants and also other program participants joining our projects. You are recommended to join the Volunteering">https://www.facebook.com/VolunteeringSolutions/">Volunteering Solutions Facebook Page or Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/groups/VolunteeringSolutions/">Facebook Group to communicate with other participants.
Volunteers can also view the volunteer testimonials of Delhi program participants byhttps://www.volunteeringsolutions.com/meet-a-volunteer"> clicking here.