Why Should You Volunteer For Teaching Program In Nepal?

calendar_today June 21, 2016
schedule min read


In the beginning of 2015, Nepal faced one of the most deadliest wrath of nature in the form of two fatal earthquakes. That incident created an urgent need to volunteer in Nepal and provide support to make this God loving, peaceful, and a natural paradise country stand again.

Nepal has, since, recovered diligently and things have gone back to (almost) the way they were. However, there are certain sections that are still in constant need of volunteer support and require skilled resources.

The teaching volunteer program in Nepal is one such area where volunteers can provide their useful input. And, it is for this, that Volunteering Solutions gives you, not 1 but 7 essential reasons to join the teaching volunteer program in Nepal;

Teaching volunteer program in Nepal

1. Education is Important

As the legendary Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”. Providing education to underprivileged children is one of the best ways to serve for the betterment of the community. Also, since many volunteers are students on their gap year, it is a great opportunity for them to understand the education system of a foreign country.

What adds to it is the fact that, Nepal is a popular tourist destination in Asia and majority of its economy depends on tourism. Learning and getting a stronghold of the English language can help these unfortunate children, who come from poor family backgrounds, to have a promising future.

2. Knowledge is The Best Thing You Can Share

While there are no significant differences between knowledge and education, one must know the importance of the application of both to live a sustainable life. While, Education is a formal process of gaining knowledge through books, school lectures, college, and universities, Knowledge is an informal process of acquiring education through peer consultations, extensive reading, and learning facts.

This clearly implies that, along with proper education, knowledge must as well be shared with the children to help them grow smart and confident.  


3. Extraordinary Career Benefits

One of the commonest of reasons gap year travelers take up volunteer abroad programs is, to give their resumes an edge above their peers and batchmates. Volunteering abroad helps them enhance their chances to get into a better university/college or get hired by their dream company.

To join the teaching English volunteer program in Nepal, volunteers are not required to be professional teachers or scholars. In fact, what it leaves them with is a bag full of international work experience and a bright opportunity to boost their career.


4. Opportunity to Experience The Mighty Himalayas

Oh! The Everest! One of the main highlights and a common part of the list of things to do in Nepal. The country is surrounded, almost entirely, by the Himalayan belt of snow-capped mountains and lush green foothills. The fact that Nepal has around 8 of the 10 tallest mountains in the world is a proof in itself of the array of options to explore.  

Volunteers can take short excursions over weekends to experience these gifts from nature in Nepal.


5. Make Friends From Around the Globe

Volunteering abroad is a mode of travel that may begin as a solo venture, alone and unknown in a foreign land, but by the time it ends, it leaves you with lifelong friends from different parts of the world. The same happens while volunteering in Nepal.

When you volunteer in Nepal, there are a number of other volunteers who are working for the same cause. And, during the entire period of weeks that you attend the project, you all not only work, but, stay, travel, eat, and explore together. It’s like you make an extended family, away from home. And not to forget the friends you make with the kids and the local staff. After all, friends come in all shapes and sizes.


6. Learn Your Own Lessons While Teaching

Taking a gap year abroad is a two-way venture. Not only does it benefits the underprivileged under the program, but also the volunteers. The same happens when you work for the teaching volunteer program in Nepal.

During the program, of course, it’s the kids who are the students, however, as a gap year traveler you get to learn a thing or two as well. The local culture, languages, cuisines, lifestyle, daily struggles (and the ways to overcome them all), hospitality, markets, religious beliefs, and more; there’s so much to learn as a volunteer in Nepal. This is exactly what we referred to as the ‘knowledge’ in one of the points above.  


7. Affordable Gap Year Travel Option

Being a developing country, the economy of Nepal is still emerging, which actually works as a huge benefit to the tourists arriving in the region. Volunteering abroad itself is one of the most viable options for budget trips;  Nepal makes it all the more affordable volunteering option.

The fact that your stay, meals, and local support get covered in the program fee that you pay is one of the main reasons why volunteering in Nepal is an affordable gap year option.

Read the experiences of our previous volunteers to get more reasons. And if this has already motivated you enough, then simply get in touch with our advisors at [email protected] and register for Nepal volunteer teaching program today.


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