Kindergarten Volunteer Program in Bali

Volunteering Solutions Blog

Check out our volunteer travel blog which features tips, advice and articles on how to volunteer abroad and choose the suitable program

June 27, 2024

Learning Beyond Borders: School Group Volunteer Abroad Programs

Are you a teacher or a mentor, thinking of organizing a school group volunteering trip abroad? Well, then let me thank you first, and tell you that I feel really happy that you’ve given this a thought. Back in the days when I was in school, excursions meant going to a hill station, observing plants, […]

June 4, 2024

Celebrate World Environment Day by Volunteering Abroad

“Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!” – Leonardo DiCaprio As we all know, June 5th is marked by UNESCO as World Environment Day – and it’s the time to rekindle our consciousness, and take an active step to protect Mother Earth. This year’s theme is […]

May 9, 2024

Volunteer Abroad Essentials: Planning, Preparation and Packing

Are you thinking of volunteering abroad, but not sure where and how to start? Well, we are here to guide you so that you can start with planning, followed by preparations, and finally, packing to jet off. In this article, we will talk about some easy and simple steps that you can follow, in order […]

April 9, 2024

Volunteer Holidays Abroad: A Meaningful Way to See the World

5 years back, when I was planning to travel abroad, I stumbled upon the concept of ‘volunteer holidays’ and it turned out to be one of the most memorable journeys of my life. Truth be told, I barely knew what I was signing up for, when I decided to travel to Kenya and volunteer for […]

April 4, 2024

How To Volunteer in Nepal – A Comprehensive Guidebook

Volunteering in Nepal can be the most meaningful way of traveling to Nepal. As voluntourism is becoming popular with every passing day as more and more millennials are opting to travel abroad to contribute something back to society.  In this article, we have discussed the major questions that you probably want to ask us while […]

March 8, 2024

Las Mejores Oportunidades de Voluntariado Internacional Para Viajeros Solitarios

Aunque hay muchos viajeros que son inquietos y siempre están listos para viajes en solitario, hay otros que son escépticos acerca de aventurarse solos, pero sienten cosquilleos de wanderlust de vez en cuando. Si eres de aquellos que tomaron la resolución de viajar solo en tiempos post-pandemia y deseas hacer voluntariado en el extranjero, aquí […]

March 4, 2024

Best Women Empowerment Volunteer Abroad Programs To Choose From

‘There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.’ – Kofi Annan, ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations. Women are the pillars of our society and must be provided with the freedom & respect they deserve. Going back in history, women across the world were deprived of social & economic power, they […]

February 20, 2024

Come Volontariare all’Estero come Infermiera

Lavorare come volontario all’estero come infermiere è un ottimo modo per fare la differenza nel mondo, acquisendo allo stesso tempo preziose esperienze. È anche un’opportunità fantastica per viaggiare e imparare su diverse culture! Se sei interessato a fare volontariato all’estero come infermiere, continua a leggere per scoprire come puoi realizzare questo desiderio. Come fare volontariato […]

February 9, 2024

Best Countries for Medical Internships Abroad for Undergraduates 2024

Everyone has a dream job, and there’s no secret to it. While my dream job is to travel the world, learn more about places and people, and blog about my adventures, for some people it’s working in the medical field, serving others for their well-being. After all, we can’t deny that there’s a tremendous sense […]

February 7, 2024

Discover the Best Volunteering Programs in Africa for 2024 – 2025

If you’ve been thinking of taking a trip abroad to volunteer in 2024, then join us in Africa & make a difference – ’cause we have got a bunch of new & amazing programs there! Volunteering Solutions has been offering the world’s most trusted and affordable volunteer programs in Africa for the last 16 years. […]

December 18, 2023

Top 15 Volunteer Abroad Destinations For 2024

Being a trusted international organization, Volunteering Solutions has been working for the last 17 years with the aim of sustainable development and we are glad to have the volunteers’ support in this venture. For those who still haven’t experienced the joy and satisfaction of volunteering abroad – it’s never too late to start! You can […]

December 12, 2023

Best Volunteer Abroad Programs For College Students in 2024 – 2025

If you’re a college student seeking an ‘Alternative Break’ program or taking a gap year to ponder your next steps in life, consider venturing into volunteering abroad. Rest assured, you’re not alone in this endeavor. Numerous students worldwide are embracing the altruistic journey of traveling overseas to engage in meaningful philanthropic projects. Volunteering Solutions (VolSol) […]

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