May 9, 2024

Volunteer Abroad Essentials: Planning, Preparation and Packing

Are you thinking of volunteering abroad, but not sure where and how to start? Well, we are here to guide you so that you can start with planning, followed by preparations, and finally, packing to jet off. In this article, we will talk about some easy and simple steps that you can follow, in order […]

November 16, 2023

All You Need to Know About Volunteering in Ecuador

“Postcard-pretty town centers, waves splashing white-sand beaches, Kichwa villages, Amazonian rainforest, and the breathtaking Andes: a dazzling array of wonders is squeezed into compact Ecuador” – that’s exactly how the Lonely Planet describes this breathtaking country. While you might be thinking of Argentina or Brazil when you hear Latin America, let me tell you that […]

April 18, 2023

Best International Volunteer Opportunities For Solo Travelers

While there are a bunch of travelers who are restless and always up for solo trips, there are others who are skeptical about venturing out alone, yet feel the tickles of wanderlust every now and then. If you are one of those who took the resolution to travel solo in the post-pandemic times and want […]

April 8, 2022

Choose To Volunteer For Elephants During Your Gap Year In Asia

It may come as a surprise to many, but elephant volunteering is a highly popular gap year activity. High school and college students, as well as animal welfare enthusiasts, look for opportunities abroad to work for the conservation of wildlife, especially for these gentle giants. Asia (mainly the South and Southeast Asian region) is globally […]

November 16, 2021

10 Steps To Become A Volunteer For A Wildlife Conservation Project in 2025

If you’re the kind who’s always glued to the wildlife shows on the TV, it’s time to get up off your couch and get on a plane, to be a volunteer for a conservation project! Come to take a walk on the wilder side and bring along your zingy energy ’cause you’ll be a vital […]

November 30, 2020

How to Be Motivated While Volunteering Abroad & Avoid Burnout

We know that it’s not easy to travel abroad for a considerable period of time and give your valuable time & energy towards improving the lives of others. Stepping out of the comfort zone and trying to adapt to a new land needs a lot of mental effort while working for a volunteer program requires […]

October 16, 2020

¿Dónde se necesitan voluntarios? ¡Empieza a planificar tu 2025 ahora!

Para los viajeros como nosotros, con necesidad de romper la rutina y que desean descubrir nuevos lugares mientras ayudan de manera significativa, todo este período de bloqueo ha sido bastante agotador. Para en cuanto se dé la oportunidad, debes saber que el voluntariado en el extranjero es de los planes de vacaciones más gratificantes. No […]

August 26, 2020

¿Debería realizar un voluntariado en el extranjero una vez controlada la pandemia?

Desde mi habitación, miro por la ventana y veo las calles desiertas. En lo que voy cambiando los canales de noticias para mantenerme informada sobre la evolución de la pandemia, mi corazón da un vuelco. De repente, me vienen a la cabeza las personas que no son tan afortunadas como la mayoría de nosotros, aquellas […]

August 19, 2020

Los 10 Mejores Programas de Voluntariado en el Extranjero Para 2025

Todos tenemos una lista mental de cosas que deseamos cumplir a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Normalmente aspiramos a hacer cosas por placer propio, pero también cosas que agreguen algo de felicidad a la vida de otras personas. El acto de ser voluntario no es solo un acto noble, sino también una tarea de autosatisfacción […]

June 10, 2020

How To Volunteer Abroad in 2025

In this 21st Century, classroom lessons are just not enough! Especially for high school graduates and college students, work experience matters a lot and it gives them exposure to the bigger world that lies beyond the textbooks and classrooms. Apart from that, in the last few years, there has been a rise in consciousness among […]

January 27, 2020

Why Should You Volunteer Abroad With Volunteering Solutions?

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~ Winston Churchill. The true value of these words can only be understood if we all, at some point in our lives, decide to act selflessly and contribute towards someone else’s well being. While the concept of local charity […]

January 19, 2020

How To Convince Your Friends For Group Volunteering Abroad

While some of us love to travel solo and plan our journeys as per our convenience, we can’t deny the fact that a trip with friends is always more fun! After all, you have your crazy bunch accompanying you all the time. Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be if you and your […]

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