October 24, 2022

5 Notable Reasons Why You Should Volunteer in South Africa

South Africa is a country with a rich history and diverse culture. It is also home to many beautiful landscapes and wildlife. Despite its natural wealth, South Africa is a country that is facing many challenges. There are many areas in which the country needs help, and volunteering can be a great way to make […]

January 27, 2020

Why Should You Volunteer Abroad With Volunteering Solutions?

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~ Winston Churchill. The true value of these words can only be understood if we all, at some point in our lives, decide to act selflessly and contribute towards someone else’s well being. While the concept of local charity […]

October 13, 2019

Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer Abroad

In this 21st Century, the majority of the people are concerned about themselves on one hand, which often looks extremely self-centric! But on the other, there are several kind souls, who are taking the step forward to contribute towards the lives of the underprivileged ones, and if the idea of volunteering abroad is already there […]

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