Internship Programs | News & Updates | VolSol Blog


medical internship in Sri lanka

I Migliori Programmi di Tirocinio Medico All’estero per il 2025

Nella data odierna, non c'è niente di più prezioso dell'esperienza diretta sul campo, soprattutto per coloro che operano nel settore medico e sanitario. Volunteering Solutions comprende e valorizza le esigenze del momento, e ha selezionato una serie di Programmi di Eletti Medici convenienti e significativi in sei paesi dell'Asia, dell'Africa ...
medical internship in Sri lanka

All You Need To Know About Medical Elective Programs Abroad

In today's date, there's nothing more valuable than firsthand work experiences, especially for those who are in the medical & healthcare field. Volunteering Solutions understands and values the needs of the hour, and has curated a bunch of affordable and meaningful Medical Elective Programs across 6 countries in Asia, Africa, ...
medical intern taking patient's blood pressure

Fantastic Reasons to Pursue International Medical Internships

You might want to consider a medical internship abroad for many reasons. Perhaps you want to gain experience in a new country, learn a new language, or broaden your horizons.  Whatever your reasons, there are many great opportunities available for medical interns abroad. Medical internships abroad are a fantastic opportunity ...
dental internship in peru

Why You Should Consider Internship in Peru

An internship is a job that medical students often do to gain experience in the medical field. Internships are important as they allow students to learn in a challenging but safe environment. A medical internship provides an opportunity to develop yourself both personally and professionally. If you want an extra ...
Medical group abroad

Essentials of International Medical Internships: Before You Apply

With International Medical Internships, striving med students can expand their horizons and take their education, experience, and expertise to the next level by doing a medical internship abroad.  As a result of a constantly changing, evolving health system, we have to stay on our toes to find a place in ...
intern abroad

Best Internship Abroad Opportunities For Students in 2025

Before we talk about the best internship opportunities that are provided by Volunteering Solutions in different countries of the world, let us talk about why internships are important for students. As they say, “You need the experience to gain experience!” This seems to be the real concern for millennials who ...
Internship Abroad

An Unpaid Internship Abroad Opportunity That’s Worth A Fortune

An unpaid internship will not get you anywhere in your career; is what something you may find everywhere on the internet. No matter where you search or what you read, all you will find are articles and reports suggesting and recommending to stay away from an unpaid internship opportunity. And, ...
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