How Volunteer Work Can Help in Career Enhancement

calendar_today October 12, 2016
schedule min read


All our life, we chase and try to achieve goals that we set before us. Once we do that, we aim for higher and more abstract goals. All this is done in order for career enhancement and professional growth.

However, achieving a goal takes a lot of persistence and hard work that sometimes will not result in receiving payment but rather in spiritual satisfaction – this kind of work is called volunteering.

Volunteering has another side to it – it helps you grow professionally. In fact, there are several reasons why you should start volunteering because you will not regret it.


You are going to increase the number of contacts

Every goal can be achieved when you know a lot of people with whom you can cooperate. When volunteering, you can stumble upon many interesting people from whom you may learn new tips and tricks on how to do your job. Furthermore, you can find people who are eager to offer higher positions to talented volunteers or people who are very talented and whom you can hire to work for you. All in all, knowing a lot of people can bring you only more opportunities and more satisfaction in your current career, thus increasing the speed of your advancement and the possibility to achieve your goals.

Your skills and knowledge will rapidly increase

Every job requires a certain number of skills that you can apply and do it efficiently. Every skill can be brushed on the edges so that it can be mastered and there is no better way to master a skill than volunteering. For example, if you are a salesperson, you will learn how to sell by interacting with people a lot and learning how different customers behave. Once you start volunteering, you will come upon various numbers of personalities which will help you come up with the new idea on how to sell a product.

You can take a look at what other careers look like

Volunteering is an opportunity not only to advance in your career but to take a look at how other careers work and what skills they require. Once you start volunteering, you will meet people with many different professions and each of them will share knowledge with you. This means that you can discover even a better career path for you or, perhaps, incorporate knowledge gathered from people into your own career path.

You demonstrate the ability to commit to something and be passionate about it

There is not a thing that employers love more than being passionate about your job and being able to do it whenever you can. However, passion does not grow by itself and it should be raised and nurtured as well. In order to really become passionate about your job, you need to volunteer in that field for a while and actually see how your knowledge and your skills can affect people’s lives for the better. Once you realize that, you will see that working for money is not the goal of your career but rather working in order to make the world a better place. So what about payment then? Well, your achievement will certainly always be awarded by your boss, because no one will want to lose such a valuable employee.

Volunteerism helps you become a valuable team member

Being a volunteer often requires teamwork and sometimes even managing teams with a lot of people in it. If you are a part of the team you will meet a lot of different people and be able to adapt yourself to your surroundings and people around you. There are different kinds of people, with different thought process and approach. However, as a team it is everyone’s responsibility to find a way of working together for a similar cause which will bring happiness to all. Once you see how teams work in your career, you will have no trouble creating and managing a team, while creating a positive atmosphere among them. In other words, you will learn the effective ways for boosting productivity of the team in your line of work.

Volunteering is a way to change for the better

Sometimes knowing and mastering a skill that you use every day is not enough to make progress in this world and to advance in your career. Sometimes it is important to take a look deeply into your heart and see what the good and the bad things about you are. This being said, it can be concluded that volunteering helps you make a sort of spiritual journey on which you will become a better person and have a better sense of the world and the people around you. This is very important because then, you will not do your job mechanically but you will find purpose in every little thing that you do. After all, we all want to be better people and by helping someone while volunteering we already achieved that.

To sum up, professional growth and spiritual growth are two inseparable things and both can be achieved when you volunteer. When we immerse ourselves in this kind of activity we get to see the world from a different perspective. This is a perspective helps us understand everything around us better, including our work and our progress on achieving our life goals. Once we have the clear picture we will have no trouble pursuing the happiness and professional growth and making the best of everything that we do.

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