February 7, 2021

Unravel Volunteer Travel: Fears & Possibilities in a Post-COVID-19 World

None of us ever imagined that we’d have to see a world like this! With the COVID-19 virus rampaging throughout the world causing people to shelter in their homes for most of the last few months, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Tourism Barometer showed a precipitous fall of 98%  in international arrivals in May 2020 […]

January 27, 2021

Celebrate Valentine’s Day Differently: Volunteer Abroad With Your Partner

– “I’m planning a surprise for you.” – “What is it? Don’t make me anticipate about it.” – “We are going for a volunteering trip abroad and work with little ones there.” This sounds extremely good, isn’t it? 🙌😊 Well, even you can surprise your partner by planning something incredible. And who wouldn’t like to […]

January 20, 2021

Short-Term Volunteer Abroad – A Detailed Guidebook

To begin with a popular saying – “In matters of healing the body or the mind, vacation is a true genius!” – and we couldn’t agree more with this. Stuck in the regular chores of life, we all seek a break away from the monotony, to experience something out of the box. Whether you are […]

December 21, 2020

Steps To Follow While Planning For A Low Cost Volunteer Trip Abroad

2020 has been an eye-opener for people across the world, and as we were all pushed to stay indoors, we definitely learned one thing – Life can’t be taken for granted. Thus, when the pandemic woes come to an end, I’m sure that many of us, bitten by the wanderlust bug, would pack our bags […]

December 19, 2020

Best Volunteering Abroad Destinations In Asia For 2025

Wondering how to experience a meaningful vacation in 2025? There’s one set of people who might be thinking of traveling abroad to volunteer, but are not sure of where to go and what to do. There might be others who are still scared to travel alone and trying to convince friends to accompany on the […]

December 16, 2020

How To Be A Responsible Traveler?

Now that the world has literally come to a standstill with all the nations emphasizing on social distancing and the WHO is constantly mentioning the importance of self-quarantine to combat the Corona Pandemic – it’s time for us, the humans, to pause and think how we can be better with our moves once we get […]

November 30, 2020

Las mejores prácticas internacionales para 2025

Como de costumbre, “¡necesitas experiencia para ganar experiencia!” Esta parece ser una auténtica preocupación para los ‘millennials’ que comienzan a introducirse al mundo aboral. Los empleadores, hoy en día, prestan especial atención a los currículums que tienen un historial laboral relevante: puede ser una pasantía, unas prácticas, una beca, o cualquier tipo de trabajo voluntario. […]

November 30, 2020

How to Be Motivated While Volunteering Abroad & Avoid Burnout

We know that it’s not easy to travel abroad for a considerable period of time and give your valuable time & energy towards improving the lives of others. Stepping out of the comfort zone and trying to adapt to a new land needs a lot of mental effort while working for a volunteer program requires […]

November 26, 2020

Volunteer Work In Sri Lanka: A Comprehensive Guidebook

Located in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southern India, Sri Lanka is a true paradise with picturesque beaches, tropical jungles, enchanting waterfalls, magnificent hills, and stretches of tea plantation. The warm people of the island country will greet you with love, and make you feel at home in their land. In this comprehensive […]

November 24, 2020

Los mejores programas de voluntariado con tortugas marinas para 2025

Las tortugas son una de las especies más apacibles e inofensivas de este planeta y entre las muchas razones por las que están en peligro de extinción, se encuentran sus principales depredadores, desde orcas hasta tiburones y peces grandes. Las crías de tortuga son muy vulnerables en las primeras etapas de sus vidas. Los humanos […]

November 19, 2020

Desenredando el Viaje de Voluntariado: Inseguridades y posibilidades en un mundo post-Covid

Ninguno de nosotros imaginó jamás que tendríamos que ver un mundo como este… Con el virus COVID-19 arrasando en todo el mundo provocando que las personas se refugien en sus hogares durante la mayor parte de los últimos meses, el Barómetro Turístico de la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) mostró una caída abrupta del 98% […]

November 16, 2020

A First Timer’s Guide To Volunteering Abroad

Last year, when I planned for my first volunteering trip to Kenya, I was super-excited about being with the tiny little ones though I wasn’t sure of many things, which I eventually got to learn with time. For all of us, I’m sure it’s the same – while we know what we want to do, […]

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