May 30, 2017

Volunteer Work in Ghana: A Comprehensive Guidebook

“Ghana will not be built in a day. But it should be built every day and the body that houses the eyes reading this owns the hands that will ensure this.” – Nana Awere Damoah Ghana is said to be West Africa’s golden child. Traveling to Ghana is a doorway to the African culture and […]

February 20, 2017

How To Volunteer In India – A Comprehensive Guidebook

This comprehensive guidebook would answer all your questions and aim to clear all your doubts about volunteering in India and what all you can expect when you arrive in this Magnifique land. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi. Since ages, people from all […]

January 23, 2017

How To Volunteer In Thailand – A Comprehensive Guidebook

This guidebook will take you through all the questions that might be lingering on your mind since the time you have had the thought of volunteering in Thailand. Let’s take a quick glance at what this guidebook will talk about: Prologue Why should I volunteer abroad Why should I volunteer in Thailand Where and how […]

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