September 1, 2020

¿Por qué deberías realizar un voluntariado en Europa en 2025?

A mucha gente, las primeras imágenes que le vienen a la mente cuando piensan en programas de voluntariado en el extranjero, son de niños huérfanos en algún país africano, o de comunidades desfavorecidas del sudeste asiático. Sin duda, estas regiones necesitan mucha atención, pero incluso en las partes desarrolladas del mundo, como en los países […]

August 26, 2020

¿Debería realizar un voluntariado en el extranjero una vez controlada la pandemia?

Desde mi habitación, miro por la ventana y veo las calles desiertas. En lo que voy cambiando los canales de noticias para mantenerme informada sobre la evolución de la pandemia, mi corazón da un vuelco. De repente, me vienen a la cabeza las personas que no son tan afortunadas como la mayoría de nosotros, aquellas […]

August 19, 2020

Los 10 Mejores Programas de Voluntariado en el Extranjero Para 2025

Todos tenemos una lista mental de cosas que deseamos cumplir a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Normalmente aspiramos a hacer cosas por placer propio, pero también cosas que agreguen algo de felicidad a la vida de otras personas. El acto de ser voluntario no es solo un acto noble, sino también una tarea de autosatisfacción […]

August 18, 2020

What Makes You An Amazing International Volunteer?

The trend of adding volunteer work to a travel expedition abroad has been seen pacing up in recent years. And, then there’s one set of enthusiastic travelers for whom the main purpose is to volunteer abroad for a meaningful cause while exploring the destination. However, it is definitely not that easy to be such a […]

August 16, 2020

Consejos de seguridad a tener en cuenta durante tu voluntariado en el extranjero

En el extranjero, trabajar como voluntario, estudiar, o simplemente ir de visita es siempre una aventura emocionante. Especialmente para los jóvenes recién salidos de la escuela o aquellos que acaban de finalizar los estudios universitarios, viajar es una experiencia realmente reveladora, educativa, y una que te proporcionará, cantidad de recuerdos inolvidables. El voluntariado en el […]

August 4, 2020

Family Volunteering Abroad in 2025: Everything You Need To Know About

Volunteering abroad with family is a great way to not just take a vacation with your folks but also make a difference and give back to society. An inspirational way to instill these qualities in growing children, taking volunteering trips with the family goes a long way in creating dual benefits both for the family […]

July 6, 2020

Top 10 Volunteer Abroad Programs For 2025

We all have our plans for life that include the checklist of things that we wish to do and the places we wish to visit. We surely aspire to do something for our pleasure and also things that would add some happiness to someone else’s life. The act of volunteering, as we all know, is […]

July 2, 2020

Should I Volunteer Abroad After The Corona Scare Dies Out?

As I’m sitting here in my room, looking out of the window and seeing the deserted streets, scrolling through my Facebook feed at times and changing the news channels to stay updated about the Corona consequences, my heart skips a beat at times thinking of people who aren’t as lucky as most of us – […]

June 10, 2020

How To Volunteer Abroad in 2025

In this 21st Century, classroom lessons are just not enough! Especially for high school graduates and college students, work experience matters a lot and it gives them exposure to the bigger world that lies beyond the textbooks and classrooms. Apart from that, in the last few years, there has been a rise in consciousness among […]

May 25, 2020

The Post-COVID-19 Tourism Trends: Here’s All We Need To Know

The last couple of months have imposed several global challenges, affecting the tourism and hospitality industry in the worst possible ways. Country borders have been sealed. Cities are at stand-still. Flights are mostly grounded. Cruise ships are docked in harbors. Trains across the world are stationary. Buses are not plying. Hotels are shut. Restaurants are […]

May 8, 2020

To Travel or Not To Travel? – Here’s What We Found Out Through A Survey!

It has been nearly 2 months (or more, in certain countries) that people are restricted from unnecessary movements & requested to main the protocols of social distancing. Travel and travel planning are being disrupted across the world, due to the spread of the coronavirus.  As the pandemic is still thriving across the globe and countries […]

April 19, 2020

Teaching Volunteering Abroad – A Comprehensive Guidebook

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning” – Brad Henry. One can never deny the fact that teachers play an important role in our lives, and helps us to become good human beings as well as motivate us to be successful. Needless to say, the future development […]

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