July 4, 2016

Health Tips To Keep in Mind While Volunteering Abroad

The preparation for a trip abroad involves a lot of planning and designing. And when the trip is to volunteer abroad, it becomes all the more important to make sure nothing is missed out on. Believe it or not, but amidst flight bookings and online research about the volunteer destination, people often miss out planning […]

May 12, 2016

The Science Behind Altruistic Behavior Leading to Happiness

Want to be happier? Simple acts of kindness may be the answer. Genuinely smile at a stranger. Do a favor for a friend. Give someone a compliment. Help those in need. Consider giving your time to a nonprofit that could really use your help. It’s all those little things that add up in your happiness […]

April 18, 2016

Volunteer Your Way Into a New Career

Does the following Steve Jobs’ quote ring true to you? It does for me. And it probably does for anyone who has passion for their work. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. […]

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