Author: Luni
August 15, 2022
5 Ways You Can Ease Reverse Culture Shock When Traveling
Reverse culture shock is a feeling of disorientation that can occur when you return to your home country after living in another country. This can be caused by the sudden change in your surroundings, the people you interact with and the way you are expected to behave. Reverse culture shock can be a very confusing […]
July 30, 2022
Animal Volunteer Opportunities Abroad: 6 Types to Try
Animals are essential in our lives, and the balance of our ecosystem depends on their presence. No matter their shape and size, they can steal a person’s heart. If you want to work with animals as a career or give time to something you’re passionate about, you should consider animal volunteer opportunities. Here are some […]
July 30, 2022
Can Animal Volunteering Bring You a Connection with Nature
Volunteering allows people to form closer bonds with animals, which also helps them engage more with nature. Along with this, wildlife volunteering abroad or locally also helps them to gain a unique experience that has a variety of additional benefits, ranging from relieving stress to improving physical health. As the ongoing pandemic has encouraged many […]
July 23, 2022
What Are the Benefits of Medical Volunteer Projects Abroad?
Contrary to popular belief, medical students don’t study to earn much money. Many of them study because they want to help others. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, doctors and nurses worldwide made great sacrifices to help patients and others in need. Today, if you’re a doctor or health professional, you might be interested in volunteering […]
July 23, 2022
Ways to Know if Your Medical Mission Trip Is Worth It
How do you know that the medical mission you were in was ethical and safe? This basic checklist will help you determine the organization’s ethical quality. If the answers are vague or non-existent, that organization isn’t worth your time or money. 1. How Is the Organization Structured You need to consider if the organization is […]
July 16, 2022
Essentials of International Medical Internships: Before You Apply
With International Medical Internships, striving med students can expand their horizons and take their education, experience, and expertise to the next level by doing a medical internship abroad. As a result of a constantly changing, evolving health system, we have to stay on our toes to find a place in the field, and international medical […]
July 9, 2022
The Best Places for Short-Term Volunteer Programs Abroad
Are you taking a break from school or work and don’t know what to do with your time? Maybe, you should consider volunteering. Volunteering does not only look good on your resume, but it also gives you opportunities and experiences like never before. Plus, it is all done for a good cause. However, the problem […]
July 9, 2022
Valuable Pieces of Advice to Become an Effective Volunteer
Volunteering is a meaningful and fulfilling endeavour that an individual can pursue. With the countless volunteering opportunities available, it is just a matter of choosing a cause that personally interests you. Being a volunteer is a wonderful way to give back to the community. While it is fulfilling, it is also not without challenges. This […]
July 2, 2022
Best Ways To Volunteer Abroad With Animals Today
Have you ever thought of volunteering abroad in an animal shelter? If you love animals, then you should definitely do it. Volunteering is not only beneficial for animals but for humans as well. Here are some things you need to know. The Popular Ways to Volunteer Abroad For Animals Do you want to work with […]
July 2, 2022
What Are the Primary Duties of a Volunteer at a Daycare Centre?
Are you looking for ways on how to use your time right and still contribute to the community? Why not consider a daycare centre in need of volunteers? Join a program where children, parents and caregivers will benefit from your company. Using your spare time to attend to the needs of children can be a […]
June 25, 2022
5 Ways How Overseas Volunteer Work Can Boost Your Resume
Summer is the perfect time to do many activities because it allows for more flexible schedules. When you travel abroad, you can do many activities, such as visit famous landmarks and try local cuisine. However, your activities aren’t limited to these because you can also engage in volunteer work. Volunteering abroad can work wonders for […]
June 25, 2022
What You Should Know About Medical Volunteering Abroad
Many people who work in the medical industry do so because they want to be able to help people who are sick. The problem is that job satisfaction in the industry is also decreasing, especially since the pandemic started. Some are getting exhausted, while others are simply looking for a change in the environment. On […]