August 29, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight Stories 2024: Inspiring Journeys of Making a Difference

🎉 Welcome to our half yearly edition of Volunteer Spotlight Stories 2024! We are excited to highlight some incredible volunteers who have dedicated their time, skills, and passion to make a positive impact around the world. Whether they’ve been teaching in local schools, helping with conservation efforts, or supporting healthcare projects, each of these stories […]

March 8, 2024

Las Mejores Oportunidades de Voluntariado Internacional Para Viajeros Solitarios

Aunque hay muchos viajeros que son inquietos y siempre están listos para viajes en solitario, hay otros que son escépticos acerca de aventurarse solos, pero sienten cosquilleos de wanderlust de vez en cuando. Si eres de aquellos que tomaron la resolución de viajar solo en tiempos post-pandemia y deseas hacer voluntariado en el extranjero, aquí […]

February 20, 2024

Come Volontariare all’Estero come Infermiera

Lavorare come volontario all’estero come infermiere è un ottimo modo per fare la differenza nel mondo, acquisendo allo stesso tempo preziose esperienze. È anche un’opportunità fantastica per viaggiare e imparare su diverse culture! Se sei interessato a fare volontariato all’estero come infermiere, continua a leggere per scoprire come puoi realizzare questo desiderio. Come fare volontariato […]

November 14, 2023

I Migliori Programmi di Tirocinio Medico All’estero per il 2025

Nella data odierna, non c’è niente di più prezioso dell’esperienza diretta sul campo, soprattutto per coloro che operano nel settore medico e sanitario. Volunteering Solutions comprende e valorizza le esigenze del momento, e ha selezionato una serie di Programmi di Eletti Medici convenienti e significativi in sei paesi dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America Latina. Questi programmi […]

November 7, 2023

Programmi di volontariato migliori in Africa 2025

Dove puoi fare volontariato in Africa? Con quale dovresti iniziare? VolSol offre opportunità di volontariato in diversi paesi africani, tra cui Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Sudafrica, e Marocco.   1. Volontariato in Tanzania Situata nell’Africa orientale, patria di una fusione di influenze arabe e africane, la Tanzania è famosa per le sue vaste aree selvagge, tra […]

October 30, 2023

Le Migliori Missioni Mediche all’Estero 2025

Se sei una persona che sta studiando medicina o sta praticando presso un centro sanitario, forse ora è il momento in cui dovresti uscire e scegliere di servire in un paese in via di sviluppo e lavorare per le persone svantaggiate. Quali sono i requisiti per partecipare a una Missione Medica? Volunteering Solutions offre una […]

October 19, 2023

Los 5 Mejores Países para el Voluntariado a Corto Plazo en el Extranjero en 2025

Seguramente alguien cuestionaría la idea de aprender sobre un país en tan solo quince días, y con razón. Después de todo, no es posible comprender completamente una nación que ha estado establecida y creciendo durante siglos en solo un par de semanas. ¿Pero quién dijo que no puedes repasar su historia, echar un vistazo rápido […]

April 18, 2023

Best International Volunteer Opportunities For Solo Travelers

While there are a bunch of travelers who are restless and always up for solo trips, there are others who are skeptical about venturing out alone, yet feel the tickles of wanderlust every now and then. If you are one of those who took the resolution to travel solo in the post-pandemic times and want […]

February 22, 2023

How to Volunteer Abroad as a Nurse

Volunteering abroad as a nurse is a great way to make a difference in the world while also gaining valuable experience. It’s also an awesome opportunity to travel and learn about different cultures! If you’re interested in volunteering abroad as a nurse, read on to find out how you can make it happen.   How […]

February 2, 2023

Best Volunteer Abroad Destinations for Spanish Speakers and Learners

Volunteering is a great way to improve your Spanish language skills, immerse yourself in a new culture, and make a positive impact on local communities. If you’re a Spanish speaker or a learner looking for opportunities to practice your Spanish language while you volunteer, here are some of the best places to consider. Volunteering abroad […]

November 14, 2022

What You Must Know before Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for secondary school and university students and young people looking for productive ways to maximise their 2024 summer holidays.  However, volunteering abroad isn’t an opportunity to go sightseeing. From building houses to developing new skills, volunteering abroad offers a learning experience that no textbook can teach. It’s also […]

November 7, 2022

Group Volunteering 101: Why It’s the Best Kind of Travel

If you and your friends are craving adventure and want to explore various places you haven’t been to before, going abroad is one of the best things to try. After all, you discover and do things you rarely do in your home country. Furthermore, you learn different things, such as culture, history, food, and much […]

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