How You Can Make the Most of a Childcare Volunteering Program

calendar_today June 20, 2022
schedule min read


volunteering at an orphanage

It can be pretty exciting to be a part of a childcare volunteering program. You might get a little nervous, too, especially if this is your first time. Don’t worry because that’s completely normal. After all, you never know what you truly expect. Of course, our team at Volunteering Solutions will be happy to provide you with answers to any questions you might have about your volunteering program.

One of the questions that we get from our volunteers, both old and new, is this – “How can I make the most of the childcare volunteering program I signed up for?”

If you, too, are asking yourself this question, fret not as we share some tips that can surely help you: 

Tip #1: Tap into the Child in You

Wonder why we emphasise on being like a child when it comes to childcare volunteering? Well, we think that a volunteering program should be a fun-filled adventure. You should try to be as happy and cheerful as possible because this is your chance to revive that childlike curiosity and carefree experience.

The best part is that you get to do something different every day. Something that you might never have been able to do when you were a child. If you are feeling a little bit hesitant, let us just tell you this: your duties as a volunteer can be as simple as playing with the kids and making them giggle or trying to put a smile on their face.

Tip #2: Don’t Think of Yourself as a Volunteer – Be a Family to the Children

We know that you’re not going to be with the children 24/7. But when you are with them, make sure that you make every second count by trying to be as involved as possible.

Think of yourself as part of the family of these children. Greet them every morning and be the first one to say goodbye at the end of the day. Just like with your own family, you need to be there for the kids, too. When they need a hug or a hand to hold, you should be the first one to offer it.

Tip #3: Don’t Limit Yourself to the Tasks Given to You at the Placement

A childcare volunteering program means that you will be working with the kids. But that does not limit you to doing just that. If you have the time, you can also help the teachers in other areas such as cleaning or food-preparation.

This way, you will be able to become more productive and also make a positive impact on the program.

volunteers with kids

Tip #4: Be Innovative with Your Approach

Remember the first tip we shared? That the program should be fun-filled? Well, you can make it more fun by thinking of new ways to interact with the children.

For example, you can come up with a new game every day. It can be anything from a flashcard game to a treasure hunt. This will surely help the children make new friends and strengthen the bonds between them.

Tip #5: Listen to the Children’s Stories and Share Yours to Inspire Them, Too

We all have been children at some point in our lives. And just like us, the children have stories to tell, too. You should just ask them to share their stories with you and open up to you. This way, you will be able to understand them better and also help them in any way that you can.

And, remember to share your stories as well. By doing this, you will give the children a sense of belonging and help them realise that you are a willing and supportive listener.

Tip #6: Bond with and Learn from Fellow Volunteers

During your childcare volunteering program, you will surely meet a lot of other passionate volunteers. You should take full advantage of this and make them your friends.

By doing this, you will be able to bond with them and learn from them. They will also help you with the childcare volunteering program and allow you to be more productive and creative.

Volunteering Is a Life-Changing Experience

These six tips can surely help you make the most out of your childcare volunteering program. Even more so if you are planning to become a regular childcare volunteer abroad in the future.

We at Volunteering Solutions are excited for your journey as a volunteer and are here to provide you with all the assistance and the information you need for you to have a fulfilling experience. Whether you want to do volunteer teaching for children abroad or you want to do some volunteering at hospitals, our staff at Volunteering Solutions will assist you every step of the way. Get in touch with us to know how you can become a volunteer!

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