Reasons Why You Should Choose To Volunteer In Australia

calendar_today February 9, 2022
schedule min read


To put it in the words of Lonely Planet, “Australia is the unexpected: a place where the world’s oldest cultures share vast ochre plains, stylish laneways and unimaginably blue waters with successive waves of new arrivals from across the globe.” This Continent in the South is a treat for travelers and one doesn’t really need many reasons to visit one of the best places in the world. 

And this becomes more relevant & true especially when your expedition involves an opportunity to help in the conservation of the pristine ecosystem of the country.  Volunteering Solutions provides some incredible volunteering opportunities in Australia, for all those enthusiastic souls who are keen to step out of their comfort zone and do something worthy.

Here’s why you should definitely plan a volunteer trip to Australia, at least once in a lifetime!

Spend Your Days In The Lap Of Nature!

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Oz is known for its breathtaking landscapes – whether it’s the vast sandy beaches bordered by the turquoise waters or the lush green valleys! While many people don’t know about it, Australia has a huge diverse rainforest area and what’s better than exploring it while contributing to preserving it at the same time?

Being a part of the conservation volunteering programs in Australia, you’ll mostly find yourself getting closer to the flora & fauna of the country. No matter whether you choose to volunteer for the endangered animals in Gladstone or be a part of the turtle conservation program in Cairns – your days will pass by the wink of an eye, as you soak in the beauty of nature!

Work With Professional Conservationists & Gain First-Hand International Work Experience!

conservational work

Volunteering Solutions has curated 3 amazing & affordable conservation programs in Australia, and no matter which project you choose to be a part of, you’ll surely get ti to work with a bunch of enthusiastic souls, guided by professionals. If you join the Wildlife Conservation Program in Yackandandah, you’ll learn to take care of the injured and orphaned animals.

If you’re an animal lover, then this would surely be a delightful choice for you! Not only will you get to work for a noble cause, but it’ll be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the native animals and how they are taken care of, especially for veterinary students who can learn from the owner of the project who has cared for animals for decades.

Make New Friends & Expand Your Social Circle!

australia work

When you set out on a volunteering journey, one of the best things that you can do is – making friends out of strangers! Working on the project together will strengthen the bond and lay the foundation of a friendship based on similar interests.

From helping in the preservation and the upkeep of the forests, national parks and landscapes to learning about the intricacies of the Australian flora and fauna – there is a lot you can learn as you also bond with people from around the world. And who knows, you might just stumble upon your best travel buddy on the roads!

Incredible Opportunity To Learn New Things & Gain Valuable Skills! 

volunteering in ausralia

Volunteering would surely be a great way to work out, unwind and learn more about nature. Needless to say, the conservation project will be a great value addition to your life.

And for people working in the biosphere and botanical areas as well as those studying about animals (or animal care) – it’ll surely be adding some brownie points to your CV/Resume. This project is a great opportunity for nature lovers & animal lovers, seeking to gain some valuable skills.

Explore Australia Like Never Before!

work in australia

Well, when you’re out there for a volunteer trip, it’s not just all about working (although that should be your main focus!). But you’ll get time to explore the country and tick off all that’s there on your travel bucket list. From hopping along the beaches of Cairns to soaking in the city life of Sydney – you can choose to do whatever your heart calls for! You can also ask our country coordinator, who’ll be glad to assist you in planning a short trip!

Check out the volunteering programs available in Australia:

If you’ve been thinking of traveling to Australia to volunteer and wondering which program to join, then here’s the list of what we have in store for you!


Conservation Volunteer For Endangered Animals

The program provides medical care for injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife through its rescue and rehabilitation program. Being a volunteer, you’ll get to work at a rescue center and shelter home, which has an abundance of animals in temporary or permanent care at any given time.

Apart from the Bridled Nailtail Wallaby and Northern and Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats, you may care for wildlife such as sugar gliders, lizards, non-venomous snakes, koalas, and native birds. 


Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program

Being a volunteer for this program, you’ll have the chance to work alongside beautiful Australian animals and get involved in animal feeding, cleaning, maintenance, and enrichment. Since the shelter receives no recurrent funding from governments, they rely on the contribution of volunteers and donations from the public to keep it running. It has no paid staff and by volunteering at the project, you make a major contribution to the welfare of Australian wildlife.


Wildlife & Penguin Care Volunteer Program

You’ll be working at Pademelon Park which is a non-profit organization in coastal Tasmania. Working with the founders, Vicki and Geoff, you’ll be engaged in rescuing and rehabilitating the sick, injured, and orphaned native Australian wildlife and nurturing them back to health so that they may be returned to the natural environment. This would be a great opportunity for Veterinary students who are looking for meaningful international work experience.

Your contribution is enormous as the feeding schedule of the animals is a busy one, and the shelter needs surrogate mums (volunteers) to provide food for the babies and care for them. Animals need exercise every day so they may become strong and resilient and grounds require constant attention.

As I already mentioned earlier, no matter which program you choose to be a part of, your contribution will be immensely valuable. So stop procrastinating and start planning! You can write to us at [email protected] and our Program Advisors will soon get back to you!

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