6 Reasons Why You Should Take A Gap Year With Your Partner
Well, ‘gap year’ is supposed to be that phase of your life when you set out on a self-seeking journey taking a break from your regular routine, finding yourself & your passion, as well as figuring out what to do with your life.
It’s that phase when people mostly choose to travel solo and learn to find a purpose for themselves. Rather, you can say that it’s a journey to know oneself better. But all of it only happens when you choose to go for a solo gap year!
What if you set out on a long-term travel plan with your partner? (Sounds interesting, right?!)
Well, let me tell you that it’ll be incredible, and maybe, it’ll turn out to be one of the craziest journeys of your life! Just think about it – you’ll be going to a new land together and see places you’ve always dreamed of with someone with who you’re most likely to be willing to share your life.
If you are contemplating that thought, then hold on till I convince you about the reasons to take a gap year with your partner!
1. Because you get to plan it out together!
Two minds are always better than one – and you’ll soon figure that out as you start planning your long-term travel with your partner. Starting from choosing the destinations that you’d visit, to the activities, figuring out the flights and accommodations, working on the budget, etc., it’ll be teamwork in which both of you will have equal roles to play.
Try to fit in all that you’d want to do and the places to explore, cuisines you’d want to try, and tick off all that’s there on your travel bucket list. Not just that, but it’ll be an interesting way to observe how you both come on the same page while deciding something and also about the differences. You might end up doing something of his choice and find out that you like it too!
2. Because you’ll always have your favorite person to talk to!
Communication is one of the most important pillars of a healthy relationship and what can be better than having your favorite person to talk to, while you are on the roads in an unknown land? When you set out for a gap year abroad, there would be several situations in which you’ll face uncertainties, get into trouble, or stuck in a language barrier – but when you have someone accompanying you, these problems won’t pose many difficulties. He’ll be there to support your back and cheer you up in moments of distress. Also, you’ll never feel lonely! Imagine taking a 20 hours train ride or a 9 hours layover – it’s those times when you’ll surely thank yourself for deciding to travel with your partner.
3. Because it’ll help you in managing your finances!
Let’s be practical – your gap year abroad will cost you enough, and you need to plan everything effectively, in order to keep things in control, without getting bankrupt! When you choose to travel with your partner, many of your expenses will be shared and thus, it’ll eventually reduce the cost of traveling. You can stay at budget accommodations, share meals often, take local transports (which might be a difficult choice in case you’re traveling solo), etc. Also, you can trust the other person regarding the expenditures, and make sure that both of you get to squeeze in all that you wanna do, without compromising much.
4. Because you’ll get to know about each other’s strengths and weaknesses!
I never knew that my partner has incredible bargaining capabilities until I saw him haggle with the shopkeepers at a local market in Siem Reap where we were picking up some souvenirs for the people back at home! Also, I was surprised to see how good he is with kids when he spent hours with the tiny tots at the childcare center in Nairobi where we were volunteering.
On the other hand, I figured out that he’s a tad bit slow in filling forms and doing paperwork (in countries that offer Visa on arrival, etc.), which I could handle really fast. Well, you see, it’s only when you break free from the regular routines of life, will you get to know about the strengths and weaknesses of the other person which mostly remain hidden in normal circumstances.
5. Because he’ll understand the value of your ‘Me Time’!
You’ll be together 24*7 during this journey, and there might be times when you’d want to be by yourself for a while, maybe to read something in a quiet corner or just to think & meditate. Your partner will surely know the need for this time and space, and let you be on your own for the ‘Me Time’ that you deserve. This will keep you sane, and also comfort you with the thought that he’s there, yet not bother you with his presence.
It’ll also give him some time to do things that he wants to do all by himself – maybe go out for a cup of coffee and meet local people at a store, or play football with the local kids and connect with them! This space will also help you in realizing his value in your journey, and you’ll definitely end up wanting more time with him. Once you get over your ‘Me Time’, you’ll both have insights to share with each other, which I think, will enrich your journey.
6. Because you’ll be creating wonderful memories together!
What can be better than living some of the best days of your life with your favorite man? This gap year journey will endow you with endless opportunities to make memories – from hopping around the cities to making new friends, trying new cuisines, indulging in some adventure sports, engaging in some sort of meaningful volunteer work, learning a new language, so on and so forth – this list would be unending! Imagine how wonderful it would be if you get to live all those moments with your partner!
You can have your first scuba diving experience in Australia together, or maybe you witness the gorgeous sunsets while lazing around the beaches in Thailand, or you can both go for a high-altitude trek in Nepal and challenge yourself for the better! Excited already, isn’t it?
To quote Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction”.
For all those wanderlust souls out there – if you are thinking of traveling abroad, then convince your partner to travel along. You won’t regret it ever!
If you’re planning to travel with your partner in your gap year and need some assistance, you can write to us at [email protected] – we’ll be happy to help you!